Post-election blues…

We finally all have something in common as Americans give big sighs of relief that the election is over. No matter the winner, the closest, most acrimonious presidential election in US history (many down-ballot elections can be described that way too)—the internet allowed it to beat all other contenders—is past history now, and we have to live (or die) with the results. But don’t thank God’s patience (or the Devil’s impatience?) too soon!

What’s depressing is that two flaws were made obvious by this election: First, about half the country is as f&^%ing crazy as that “f&^%ing moron,” Donald Jackass Trump; and second, our old US constitution’s writers, the so-called Founding Fathers, needed much better editors. Ex-president Clinton worried about the first in the sense of the future of American democracy, i.e., its possible staying power; I worry about both and what it means for American democracy and the rest of the world.

I find comedian Bill Maher an erratic political commentator most of the time, but have to thank him for having Jamie Raskin (House rep, D-Md, who led the second impeachment against Narcissus le Grand because of the latter’s attempted coup). Writing these blog posts, I often wonder if I’m just a lone voice crying in the wilderness, but old Jamie proved to be a kindred soul. He, Bill Clinton, and I are on the same page! (Maybe Bill Maher as well?) As the inimitable popular sage Yogi Berra once said, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over!”

What I mean by that is simple: Our slide into the cesspool of fascism can be slow or fast, but if it ends, it won’t end soon. If half of the country is f^%$ing crazy, it’ll be a long haul, and we can never put our guards down. We have to be prepared to fight, even a civil war. We must continue to fight to preserve our democracy! The future of the US democracy is always in the balance; it’s never guaranteed, especially when half the citizenry don’t give a rat’s ass about preserving it! Logical and sane Americans must become its insurance policy! There is no other way.