Are we selling our souls for fossil fuels?

President Biden might have said Vladimir Putin has no soul, but POTUS is selling his to MBS. Mad-dog Putin is starving the world of fossil fuels. So is that mad-dog Saudi prince! And Biden shouldn’t blast one dictator and kiss the ass of another! Biden is wrong to visit Saudi Arabia, the country that engineered the 9/11 attack, and he’s wrong to pander to MBS, who ordered the butchering of a respected Saudi journalist of the Washington Post.

Representative Adam Schiff, a hero from my native California and able prosecutor in that first impeachment trial of that “f&^%ing moron” and wannabe dictator Donald J. Trump (who will forever be known in history as the only president to be impeached twice…and maybe to serve jail time for his crimes?), recommended the correct path hypocritical Biden should be following; Schiff said that Biden should boycott Saudi Arabia and all their scurrilous leaders, but especially the murdering MBS. Biden shouldn’t give him a place on the world stage. No fascist leader deserves that recognition from the US!

There are policies Biden can use to solve the energy problem. One is pumping out more of the nation’s oil reserves coupled with a kick in the pants to oil companies’ CEOs using the defense emergency powers available (if good enough for Covid, why not refining?). And it’s even a war emergency because Putin’s War against Ukraine is a war!

Another is fining oil companies’ price gouging of consumers. Exxon-Mobil does have “more money than God” and will continue to gouge unless Biden gets some balls. Eliminating the federal gas tax could also help some in the short term. (Taking money away from federal and states’ infrastructure projects, though, seems counter-productive.)

If Biden can’t get tough and stand up to the world’s autocrats and oil companies’ CEOs (all fascists, of course), maybe he should resign as president? The way he’s going, he might become a lame duck after the 2022 midterms anyway. (The Dems can’t seem to get their messaging straight, mostly because of their infighting.) He’s not practicing diplomacy in either case. He’s practicing appeasement! The US doesn’t need another fascist like Trump, but it sure needs a Churchill instead of a Chamberlain. Political power comes with responsibilities. Biden isn’t taking a lot of them seriously now, and neither are the rest of the Dems.