Senior abuse…

While the Good Ole Piranhas would love to do away with all the big social programs for seniors completely—Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—Biden and many Dems now seem to be willing accomplices. The latter are doing everything they can to lose seniors’ votes. Their “Build Back Better” plan considers “improvements” to Medicare—hearing care, for example,… Continue reading Senior abuse…

Kyle Rittenhouse…

At the time I’m writing this article, it’s still possible that Kyle Rittenhouse gets away with two murders and an attempted murder, even though there’s no question of his guilt. Even as a seventeen-year-old minor, Rittenhouse would have been welcome in the Nazi youth corps. He’s the lad who lived outside Wisconsin and decided to… Continue reading Kyle Rittenhouse…

Cults and tribes…

While many lament the polarization now present in America right now (that lament is often accompanied by pointing fingers at the other side, or even violence), most analysts are unable see how this comes about in a democracy. It’s simple. Politicians must get votes, and the “best way” to do this now is to create… Continue reading Cults and tribes…

Obscene amounts of money…

Ah, pro sports…where most everyone’s a fan and those elite stars make obscene amounts of money. (Aaron Rogers makes—made?—1.6 million dollars per game, matching Tom Brady’s pay). That means “stars,” often becoming idols for our young people, can easily give in to their latent narcissistic personalities and morph into someone as bad as that “f&^%ing… Continue reading Obscene amounts of money…

How to create an autocracy…

To laud our veterans today, I want to focus on what they fought to preserve, freedom. From day one, this republic has stood against autocracy, freedom for the people to determine what’s right and better for their own lives, not in behalf some autocrat and his edicts, from the oppressive edicts of the English King… Continue reading How to create an autocracy…

Vaccine myths…

They range from reasonably sounding ones that just aren’t true to the absolutely ridiculous. Let’s get rid of the latter first, because they show just how stupid some people are. (See Einstein’s quote. He was right about human stupidity.) Vaccines are not a plot to control anyone. They are not used to inject microchips into… Continue reading Vaccine myths…

Religious exemptions?

Is there any religion that condones infecting someone with a deadly disease or committing murder by doing the same? If someone’s religion does that, they might want to consider getting a different religion! I’m talking about religious exemptions against vaccines, Covid vaccines in particular. For the latter, judges or policy makers shouldn’t accept them because… Continue reading Religious exemptions?

“What a Wonderful World”

Note from Steve: Sometimes it happens that I’ll write an article that’s appropriate for both my blogs, this one and my writer’s blog at That will usually mean the message contained therein goes beyond politics. I hope this short one resonates. *** Okay, you’ve probably heard many renditions of this song, but Reuben and… Continue reading “What a Wonderful World”

Keeping the “Big Lie” going…

I had to laugh when the “fraudit” in Arizona’s Maricopa county found more than ninety more votes for Biden and more than two-hundred less for Trump  It was also amused because Arizona had spent a lot of state donors’ funds (millions) to pacify the fuehrer, Narcissus le Grand. That Crazy Chump even lauded the auditors… Continue reading Keeping the “Big Lie” going…