Thank you, NY Times!

On February 26, 2024, you revealed to Russia where Ukraine’s military nerve century is hidden! You’ve exposed a decade-long collaboration between the US’s CIA and the Ukrainian freedom fighters! Why would you do such a thing? Ukraine is having a hard enough time just trying to survive from attacks by the fascist Putin lovers in… Continue reading Thank you, NY Times!

The GOP’s plan to destroy the planet…

Everyone knows that the Good Ole Piranhas don’t believe, care about, or want to halt global warming and climate change. One candidate, Ron DeSantis, prattled on about how awful Idalia was for Florida and so forth, not once mentioning that the hurricane’s super-strength came from the extra degrees climate change brought to those gulf waters… Continue reading The GOP’s plan to destroy the planet…

PGA’s leaders aid and abet murderers…

That MAGA wannabe-fuehrer began the Good Ole Piranhas’ practice of ignoring the murdering Saudis’ evil actions—anyone still have nightmares of that “f&^%ing moron” doing his saber dance in Saudi Arabia?—but others were quick to jump on the bandwagon. It’s all about their oil money, of course, whether it’s for a Trump hotel in the Saudi… Continue reading PGA’s leaders aid and abet murderers…

Politicizing the apolitical…

Governments—local, state, and national—are so politicized now that politicians spend all their time creating chaos and pointing fingers at the other side to blame them for it instead of solving the problems that need to be solved. Immigration reform is probably the worst example of this politically generated chaos. President Biden will take the hit… Continue reading Politicizing the apolitical…

Digital deception…

Marilyn Monroe in a Broadway play? Humphrey Bogart in a thrilling sci-mi movie? DJT lauding the policies of Biden in an ad on CNN? Biden admitting that Carlson’s right about Hunter on Fox? The NASA chief acknowledging to Russian media that Americans have a military base on the far side of the moon that’s developing… Continue reading Digital deception…

It’s still the economy!

The Dems dodged a bullet: The economy was on most voters’ minds when they voted in the 2022 midterm elections, but enough realized that holding back that fascist red tide of the FPA was more important. That doesn’t mean the Dems should now sit back and gloat. The economy is still on voters’ minds! One… Continue reading It’s still the economy!

Fascism in our social media…

Recently I ended my long association with Facebook, cancelling both my personal account and writer’s page. The primary reason? Mark Zuckerberg and his evil minions (the ones left) have changed Facebook too much because they’re only interested in making more money. But my action was also that because Facebook has been slow to moderate bigotry,… Continue reading Fascism in our social media…

Deals with the DINOs…

The DINOs still ruined the effectiveness of the Dems’ multifaceted bill even though it was already whittled down. First, let’s talk about DINO Joe. If you were wondering why Sen. Joe Manchin suddenly changed his mind to support some of the “Build Back Better” agenda, I was too. It turns out the motivation for that… Continue reading Deals with the DINOs…

Are we selling our souls for fossil fuels?

President Biden might have said Vladimir Putin has no soul, but POTUS is selling his to MBS. Mad-dog Putin is starving the world of fossil fuels. So is that mad-dog Saudi prince! And Biden shouldn’t blast one dictator and kiss the ass of another! Biden is wrong to visit Saudi Arabia, the country that engineered… Continue reading Are we selling our souls for fossil fuels?