If readers of this blog wonder why I’m so passionately against even the hint of fascism in the US and worldwide, here I provide some of my personal background to explain that. You see, I lived in Colombia for more than a decade. As a professor, scientist, and wannabe writer—now mostly unsuccessful in the latter… Continue reading More revenge for Victor Jara?
Category: world fascism
Tribalism is another deadly plague…
It’s been around since human beings’ prehistory, and it has killed millions. It has led to some nations (think of them as big tribes) acting as aggressors and their victims egotistically whining that their plight is worse than other victims’ and vowing for revenge. These thoughts came to me when a reporter commented on the… Continue reading Tribalism is another deadly plague…
PGA’s leaders aid and abet murderers…
That MAGA wannabe-fuehrer began the Good Ole Piranhas’ practice of ignoring the murdering Saudis’ evil actions—anyone still have nightmares of that “f&^%ing moron” doing his saber dance in Saudi Arabia?—but others were quick to jump on the bandwagon. It’s all about their oil money, of course, whether it’s for a Trump hotel in the Saudi… Continue reading PGA’s leaders aid and abet murderers…
Human beings can’t seem to get beyond their tribal origins, i.e. acting as small groups with self-serving and often fanatical goals. If we can’t get beyond this, our social structures will never develop beyond our savage natures that define them. Desmond Morris in his classic The Naked Ape theorized that we’re victims of our basic… Continue reading Tribalism…
The point of no return?
The Good Ole Piranhas (aka Republicans or the GOP) are now between a rock and a hard place: A minority of them want to return to the core values of the party—limited government, support of big business, a strong military and foreign policy, etc., the GOP’s traditional conservative values in a nutshell—but the others, especially… Continue reading The point of no return?
What does DJT think of Ukraine now?
Ignoring the other Putin lovers among the Good Ole Piranhas and whether DJT is capable of any rational thought, does that “f&^%ing moron” now think differently about Ukraine and its battle against Putin’s invasion of this much smaller country (with a big, brave heart!). One can only hope, but, as that first impeachment trial clearly… Continue reading What does DJT think of Ukraine now?
US actions needed…
Erdogan’s Turkey won’t approve Finland and Sweden’s joining NATO? Turkey, like Orban’s Hungary and Putin’s Russia, is now completely fascist. The US needs to take the lead and encourage Europe to join with them to expel Hungary, Turkey, and other non-democratic countries from both the EU and NATO. Why should fascist countries be helped economically?… Continue reading US actions needed…
US bureaucracy is killing Ukrainians…
The Putin lovers in the US Congress, especially the House, don’t help (apparently they reflect some idiots in the sports world: A Colorado audience jeered a Ukrainian player, screaming “Russia!”), but President Biden and his administration’s dragging their heels (and knuckles too?) about helping Ukraine is killing Ukrainians, both soldiers and civilians. Show some moral… Continue reading US bureaucracy is killing Ukrainians…
When the guilty become judges…
SCOTUS judge Clarence Thomas, the fascist toady of the far right, including white supremacists ironically, has had and will have many cases where he should recuse himself—he’s obviously incapable of being an objective judge on anything dealing with January 6, 2021, for example, as well as cases about religious, reproductive, and LGBTQ rights. He’s the… Continue reading When the guilty become judges…
Equality? Parity? Gimme a break!
I’m not a fan of anyone being careless with national secrets, and I’m even less tolerant of people who steal them! Worker bees in US agencies and with sensitive positions in US corporations do far better at guarding them than politicians, though. And yet VIP politicians are rarely fined or punished for their transgressions! But… Continue reading Equality? Parity? Gimme a break!