While you will probably agree with me that Alito, Comey Bryant, Kavanaugh, and Thomas are the new fascist majority of SCOTUS (unless you’re a follower of that “f*&^ing moron” and his fascist Good Ole Piranha toadies), what you should never forget is that they’re also religious fanatics—the first three are far-right Catholics (Alito’s been gunning for abortion for years, and Comey-Bryant’s even a member of a radical Catholic cult) and Thomas is an extreme evangelical. That’s a double whammy against constitutioal freedoms: Fanatic fascism plus rabid Christianity.
Anti-abortion efforts have always been driven by religious fanatics for more than fifty years, even before Roe v. Wade. And they’re part and parcel of a rabid minority who want to impose their beliefs on those they consider to be heathans and unbelievers. “Believe as we do or suffer the consequences!” they say. America has always been plagued by this. Many immigrants throughout America’s early history came here to avoid religous persecution in Europe but soon created their own, and that tradition has continued into the twenty-first century! The Founding Fathers realized that this was possible and included freedom of religion in the Bill of Rights. The fascist and fanatically religious majority in SCOTUS pretends to be strict constitutionalists, but they’re too stupid to realize that religious freedom, the separation of church and state, also means freedom from religion! (Even swearing on the Bible is a violation of a person’s rights!) No national or state government or any fanatic minority should be allowe to impose their beliefs on citizens!
This is lost in the noise about abortion rights! Forget the 14th amemdent. Focus on the Bill of Rights. Just because some religious fanatics believe abortion is a sin (and that includes every damn Catholic priest, even the Pope) doesn’t mean anyone else has to adhere to that belief. Freedom from religion, i.e. no person, group, or governmnt can force religious beliefs upon anyone. We should be able to believe what we want…or not to believe!
Yet the fascists seated on SCOTUS are carrying an all-out war in support of America’s radical religious minorities. Besides ending abortion, they’ve recently made a gift to religious schools and allowed a coach to impose his fanatic beliefs on his teammembers The first was a decision in a Maine case that forces local taxpayers to fund private schools. Huh? Most of those are religious, so now they can brainwash even more students using taxpayers’ funding. The second case inverted the traditional protection that students in public schools had from religious indoctrination from their teachers and other school officials to protection of that coach’s right to do so as an expression of his religious freedom. Fascism, pure and simple! No doubt about it.
Of course, Judge Thomas wants to extend the arguments used against abortion to same-sex marriage and contraception in order to continue the tyranny of the religious minorities in America. This new tyranny will continue if we don’t stop it cold. The Good Ole Piranhas, America’s Fidesz (with Trump channeling Orban), see religious far-right fanatics as their party’s strength, but even they might not like the final results, i.e. the creation of the Fascist States of America where no one but the ruling elites have any rights.
I’ve long been a believer that freedom of religion goes far beyond what the Founding Fathers expressed in constitutional law. It means the right to believe and the right not to believe what we want, and the government or any fanatical group cannot abrogate that right. Period! The religious and fanatical fascists in SCOTUS are constitutionalists? That’s obvious BS! Unbiased judicial experts? More BS! They don’t belong there, and each one of Trump’s nominees lied to the US Senate and should be impeached!
Of course, all this medieval crap happening in the country right now in the 21st century only makes me think that we’re going to need another Civil War so we can quarantine fascism and its staunch supporters among the religious far-right, a sickness with infected, dangerou peole, both eroding our democracy. The tyranny of a far-right minority is strengthening every day that passes. The ballot box won’t protect the American majority because fascists have engineered away all those protections. That dangerous minority now controls the ballot boxes in many states. Things are likely to get even worse if we don’t act now .