
Moscow Mitch is the most Machiavellian Good Ole Piranha leader the Senate has ever had, and his four years playing along with Narcissus le Grand have done tremendous damage to American democracy, the recent blackmail with the debt ceiling but the tip of the iceberg. The Turtle is a sneaky, behind-the-scenes villain bent on turning the US into a fascist country. He used Il Duce to further that evil agenda.

He loaded the federal courts with fascist judges, including recent additions to SCOTUS. He’s been doing that for a while, and Trump the Chump, that “f&^%ing moron,” was so dumb and malleable that this sly leader of the Senate’s Piranhas could manipulate him; Trump’s pea brain was no match for McConnell’s guile.

Moscow Mitch never worries about duplicity, inconsistency, or ideological finesse. He’s just a sociopath who will do anything to promote the fascist plutocracy’s agenda in America. He torpedoed Obama’s nominee to SCOTUS, arguing it was too close to an election, and then promoted Trump’s nominee, even though that appointment was even closer.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, all of us, not just women, should all hold Mitch responsible. And ladies, he’s the Taliban-like leader of all the old men who want to control your bodies. He’s out to make women into men’s property again. Consider that he married a subservient Asian woman he could dominate! He hates women’s movements, especially #MeToo and pro-choice ones.

Mitch ran up the national debt to buy Trump, and then wanted to make Biden and the Dems own the huge debt incurred to have a 2022 election issue. That’s still possible; his sly little game will continue in December. He’s willing to bankrupt the country to please his plutocratic masters who fear the progressive changes in America. He can’t offer a positive vision for America, only nightmares.

He’s an evil old weasel pretending to be a Teenage Mutant Turtle fighting for all the righteous causes. Right now he’s the biggest reason this country is spiraling down into the cesspool of fascism. And he has a long time left in the Senate to do it. For once I’ll agree with Il Duce: It’s too damn bad that Moscow Mitch didn’t lose his election in Kentucky. The country would be much better off without this bluegrass hick.