No ethics, no love of democracy…

Everywhere you look nowadays you see fascists. While in the minority, they spew a lot of vitriol that gets your attention and the attention of the media. The FPA (Fascist Party of America aka GOP, the Good Ole Piranhas) is a minority party by any sane person’s definition, but they’ve manage to control all democratic federal institutions and many local and state ones due to errors made historically by those who created them. “Tyranny of the minority” is a pleasant way to describe what they’ve done in SCOTUS and the US Congress and presidency. (To paraphrase that “f&^%ing moron,” he can only win in 2024 if the FPA’s control is prevalent enough to steal the elections for him—the Dems have won the popular vote, i.e., the majority of voters, in every presidential election since 2000 inclusive!)

Yes, fascism rules the land but can only exist in America as the tyranny of a majority of Americans who want climate control, reasonable gun laws, good healthcare, women’s rights, etc. The FPA doesn’t want any of this or anything else that doesn’t tighten their grip on the throat of American democracy; they in particular want bigots and haters in control to protect their tyrannical minority from all those “evil liberals.” Isn’t it odd that true conservatives, not these fascists, didn’t see things the same way and have fled the ranks of the FPA and its attacks on democratic institutions, some having to worry about threats to them and their families’ safety from the FPA’s zealots, otherwise known as the marching morons led by you-know-who. (Did your GOP congressperson leave the US Congress or stay on to fight the fascists? Or is she or he just another fascist? Every GOP rep who voted to impeach Il Duce for his January 6’s attempted coup is gone, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, by no means “evil liberals,” included.)

SCOTUS is uniquely the only federal branch of government where fascists are in the majority, thanks to Narcissus le Grand and Moscow Mitch, who should be branded by lovers of democracy as much as McCarthy and Johnson as traitors of America. They rigged things so that SCOTUS’s anti-democratic majority will persist and continue to do damage to America long after the fascists Il Duce and the Turtle have gone to kiss the Devil’s ass in fascist hell. SCOTUS, with no ethics and no love of democracy, will continue to provide fascist rulings for years to come until they’re satisfied that the US has become yet another country that has drowned in the cesspool of fascism.

If I were Kagan and Sotomayor, I’d announce to the entire world that I’d had it with the fascists on SCOTUS, that I’d no longer take part in that fascist farce that is destroying American democracy, and resign from that high court that has become the lowest of the fascist low. The five fascist judges aren’t unbiased or alone; Chief Fascist Roberts is a suspected fascist as well. They will lead the way, acting like fascist juntas that have plagued freedom lovers around the world. Il Duce and Moscow Mitch wouldn’t have approved their appointments otherwise. They’re there because they have no ethics and no love for democracy and never will. Yes, they’re traitors, to put it mildly, un-American, card-carrying members of the FPA, no better than the other fascists except for acting as that independent fascist junta, perhaps the real power in control of the tyranny of the minority. Our only hope, if we want to respect the remains of our democratic institutions, is to make sure this junta now shredding the US Constitution is hindered by Democratic control of the presidency and both houses of Congress. At least voters still have a choice via those other two branches, although presidential immunity and congressional gerrymandering may end up crippling that choice.

Will we make the right choices? Will the SCOTUS fascist junta even allow us to make them? Election Day 2024 will be the most critical day in our democracy’s history since the first Civil War. (If you believe we’re not likely on our way to another one, you’re a naïve slob who belongs in Putin’s Russia. And yes, Ms. Nikki the racist, the cause of that first Civil War was slavery, just like the next one’s cause will be: The FPA wants to enslave all Americans!)

SCOTUS’s decision about the Colorado and Maine and other primaries, all reasonably based on the 14th amendment, is foregone. These fascist judges are beholden to the “f^%$ing moron” and all those other presidents with fascist tendencies, along with McConnell, so all six judges’ votes in support of Trump are a sure bet. Las Vegas need not even consider the odds: Even the Chief Justice has sold his soul to the yellow-skinned Devil with the old wrinkled snarling face and three-ply coif. Old Scratch is chortling as his servants destroy America, once a bastion for democracy and freedom. He’s created the FPA to do his bidding, and that includes those fascist SCOTUS judges.