PGA’s leaders aid and abet murderers…

That MAGA wannabe-fuehrer began the Good Ole Piranhas’ practice of ignoring the murdering Saudis’ evil actions—anyone still have nightmares of that “f&^%ing moron” doing his saber dance in Saudi Arabia?—but others were quick to jump on the bandwagon. It’s all about their oil money, of course, whether it’s for a Trump hotel in the Saudi capital or other nefarious projects—the art of the deal has become the art of the steal when it comes the the Saudis. Better said, MBS and his evil cronies have learned that the West can be bought. American fascists name their prices, and he’ll happily pay them!

“Lesser of two evils” says that PGA’s VIP? (Like that Harry Potter villain, I won’t say his name.) What BS! The main problem with this evil deal is that the PGA leaders aid and abet murderers by accepting MBS’s blood money! Initially I thought it could all be resolved by letting Michelson and other golf-club-swinging fascists go ahead and play in the LIV as long as we made them personas non grata in the US, banned them from the PGA, and forced them to go live in Saudi Arabia. (The same policy should apply to Il Duce, of course, but we should make him sell his golf resorts first…or make them public!)

But what PGA leaders and members want is their cake and eat it too. They want a share of the murdering MBS’s riches while still enjoying living and playing in the US, so they have agreed to aid and abet a murdering mafia of fanatic Arab leaders that includes their capo, MBS. Remember that Goodfellas scene where they’re dicing up a guy? That’s what MBS did to Washington Post reporter Kashoggi in real life! And of course the Trump administration did nothing about it! (Nor did Biden’s, for that matter.) Nada! Nil! Zilch! (No US administration has ever done much against Saudi Arabia, a country in the same league as and maybe worse than China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, and other autocratic hellholes. Democrat and Republican administrations alike have kissed MBS’s butt.) MBS gave the order, and Kashoggi was turned into mincemeat, exactly like in Goodfellas! Real life was even worse because the reporter was still alive when the Saudi butchers started their gruesome task!

MBS is the most savage of savage Saudi leaders, a mafia-like family of thieves, thugs, and murderers. They pretend to be Muslims, but they’re not—not at all, because they’re the agents of the Devil who will be damned by Muhammed for eternity. MBS is just the latest and most murderous member of that evil family. Their financing of the WTC attack led to nearly three thousand American deaths! (Some of my good friends died in that attack! How could I ever forgive the Saudis for that atrocity?) Before and after that event, graduates from their so-called “religious schools” (read “terrorist training organizations”) financed by the Saudis have slaughtered thousands. (The number of Yemenis killed in the Saudis’ ethnic cleansing campaign in Yemen is unknown!)

Members of the Saudi royal family don’t deserve to be called human beings! They’re carrion birds crunching on the bones and bodies of their victims. They all deserve Qaddaffi’s fate, i.e., to be torn from limb to limb and tossed into a cesspool along with the rest of the world’s filth.

And they definitely shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the gentle game of golf! I guarantee that if the PGA’s leadership doesn’t reconsider this deal with LIV, they will pay even more dearly. Banning them from the US is too good for them! Along with all the PGA leadership for their treasonous actions!