Presidential election issues…

As early voting begins here in the tri-state area and elsewhere, it’s useful to discuss some issues that are important in this tight presidential election. Here are a few of the most important:

Immigration? Donald Jackass Trump blew this one because firstly, there are fewer illegals now in the US than when his presidential term of inequity ended with the failure of his planned coup. Nothing he promised for combatting this problem when he came down that golden staircase in 2015 calling immigrants criminals and rapists (he still does that) came to pass. No murdering gangs; no migrants eating people’s pets; etc.

Secondly, Trump the Chump torpedoed a bipartisan immigration bill written in large part by one of the most conservative senators in Congress simply because he wanted to use immigration as a campaign issue, just what you’d expect from a fascist-narcissist. President Biden, via executive orders that the fascist SCOTUS judges didn’t trash for once—surprise, surprise—has started to put things right. Harris will continue to do that and work to get that bipartisan bill passed.

The economy? It seems to be humming along nicely. Sure, it has its ups and downs—Trump and his Fascist Party of America (FPA) are making it volatile—but on a whole, it’s doing well in its recovery from the Covid disaster that Trump and cronies created and Biden had to fix. And Harris is right to go beyond Biden: There are still asshole business tycoons who are price-gouging as if there’s still a supply-chain problem—there isn’t! Helping families meet that challenge to stand up to big business and supporting entrepreneurial, small business ventures will rein in big corporations and favor the middle class. Trump’s tariffs can only hurt the middle class too as their cost is passed onto consumers, according to most economists who aren’t Narcissus le Grand’s stooges, and whom I believe and respect more than that “f&^%ing moron. And the moron’s proposal to end all taxes (launched by a surrogate, true, but we all know the source of that chicken-in-every-pot lie) and replace them with even more tariffs is the epitome of stupidity. Harris’s plan to redo the tax brackets so that everyone pays their fair share is a much more reasonable and equitable policy compared to Trump’s (if his can even be called policies and not “concepts” like his health plans).

Abortion? This should be the issue that breaks the FPA’s back! The subtext here is that fascist right-wing crazy Evangelicals and fanatic Catholics want to turn the US into a theocracy like Iran—fascists all too often claim to be Allah’s prophets and motivated by religion. Like the male, terrorist hordes in Iran, ours in America also want to control and exploit women, taking away their rights and making them subservient to men. That’s a twelfth-century plan, not a twenty-first one. (Or should I say “concept”?) Here in the US, Narcissus le Grand has shown he’s not at all religious nor really cares about abortion. He only sees abortion and religion as a means to an end of satisfying his fascist desire for power driven by his personal greed. For God’s sake, this is the snake-oil salesman who sells his version of the Bible published in China in order to make more money for himself! It’s just another example of his grifter’s psychosis and isn’t motivated by any religious beliefs—he doesn’t even have a soul, just like his buddy Putin!

Wish lists? Yours probably differ from mine…especially if you’re a card-carrying member of Trump’s FPA! Coming back from that dark side, though, let’s consider the fight against terrorism. That fight must continue, even though Trump and his fascist hordes are the most immediate terrorists who deserve our attention. But why should we distinguish between MBS and Netanyahu? The second is just another fascist; being the PM of Israel, that deserves our support, doesn’t excuse Bibi’s fascist proclivities. And MBS deserves an assassination squad if only for revenging that 9/11 attack and his dismembering of Kashoggi without any repercussions. I’d have no problem with sending assassination squads to eliminate other fascists around the world, but I guess that would be wrong…because that’s what they do! And what Narcissus le Grand wants to do with his “enemies within” here in the US! It’s difficult to hold the high moral ground when all your enemies are scurrilous, murdering dogs!

Need I go on? While I can subscribe to that “anyone but Trump” movement, there are plenty of logical reasons to support Kamala Harris and her policies. And while it’s satisfying to see what’s left of true conservatives in America after Donald Jackass Trump has done his best to destroy the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower, and Reagan—Cheney, Kelly, Kinzinger, and Milley among them—come out to support Kamala Harris, that anti-Trump sentiment is supported by so many policy reasons that all Narcissus le Grand can offer to the American public in his whining presentations are lies. He’s a complete loser who reveres and emulates famous fascists. We’ll be the the laughing stock of the world if we again elsect this pompous, bloviating, fascist fool.

The world is watching us! It’s autocracy vs. democracy here and throughout the world, and all the positives and negatives that come with them. How will you vote? Isn’t it time to forget party affiliation and political personalities and vote for a brighter future, not the dark one promised by America’s wannabe dictator?