Quips to “celebrities”…

Here are some things I’d love to say face-to-face to some local and national celebrities in response to the good, the bad, and the ugly in what’s going on in the US and the world.

To the NYC and California teachers who are willing to lose their jobs for not vaccinating: “Ta-ta, ladies and gentlemen. You won’t be able to kill any more school children!”

To the health-care workers willing to do the same: Exactly the same message!

To moronic Jack Shit-arelli, former Trump supporter in the NJ Assembly who’s running against NJ Guv Murphy: “What?! You agree with Trump-the-Chump’s putting a federal cap on our local tax reductions as payback to a blue state’s citizens? We fought a war for independence about double taxation!”

To “Moscow Mitch” McConnell: “Hey, Turtle, you let Trump-the-Chump run up that debt, so you and your Good Ole Piranhas own it, not Biden and the Dems!”

To Trump confidant and defender Mark Meadows, set to appear before the 1/6 Special Commission: “I want to see you squirm, you fascist! Let’s hear you try to wiggle out of this one!”

To Two-Timing Ted Cruz, who said this about NBA anti-vaxers: “It’s their bodies, their choice.” Too bad you don’t say the same thing about abortion rights!

To President Joe Biden’s “Six hours, six days, or six weeks”: Get the damn physical infrastructure bill passed and do the parts of the social infrastructure one separately—what’s not approved for the latter, can be used against the Good Ole Piranhas (and radical progressives?) in the 2022 midterms.

To VP Kamala Harris: “Where were you when the mierda hit the fan at Del Rio? Aren’t you in charge of solving this problem?”

To AOC, self-proclaimed progressive leader, who said to more reasonable and practical Dems that “they should do their homework”: “Gimme a break! Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater, you uneducated, unprepared, and unprepared for national office little snot.”

To R. Kelly’s lawyer: “How could you keep a straight face when you said your client was like MLK?”

To Tom Brady, Trump supporter whose ego is bigger than Il Duce’s, after his comments on playing to fifty while easing into retirement in Florida: “Watch out for badly constructed condo towers and the ‘gators, especially DeSantis, not a saint but the Devil’s minion. You might need a true Hail Mary to protect yourself!”

To Rochelle Wolensky, Biden’s CDC director who has benefitted greatly from the Peter Principle: “My opinion of you just got elevated. Thank you for standing up to that advisory committee. No one I want an unvaccinated healthcare worker attending me. What was that committee’s reason for a 9 to 6 vote?”

To Cold Play and others, including the organizers of the Global Citizen concert: “Thank you for highlighting three existential problems humanity faces: global hunger, global warming, and global Covid-vaccine inequity. These problems are international ones that require international solutions.”

I might have to continue these quips. I react to a lot of things, and I just don’t have that much time for Twitter. Pub Progressive allows me to put everything in one place. You might not like it, but it works for me.