Rules of Engagement

No post with foul language or pornographic innuendos is accepted.  I try to keep this website PG-13.  Please help me in this effort.  For example, your marketing posts about porn and ED drugs will be eliminated!

I also try to keep this blog commercial free.  Help me in this effort.  No marketing posts are accepted.  Don’t try to disguise them either.  My spam filter will recognize the keywords used by marketers; if it doesn’t, I will. In particular, posts about SEO, WordPress plug-ins, and other general website improvements aren’t accepted. I’m sure there are many creative gurus out there, but I keep things simple here

Please refrain from making  comments in languages other than English. That’s unfair to readers who don’t know your language and hinders continued discussion if a thread is started. I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.  I know a few languages, but I’m no polyglot.  Let’s all use English so everyone can understand the comment thread.  (Even though I’m a writer, I won’t hold incorrect spelling or grammar against you – all here are interested in your ideas.)  Posts in other languages than English will be eliminated – sorry.

Please comment on just the particular post – no generalities about how great the blog is or how you’re going to recommend it to everyone. That wastes everyone’s time, including mine. You can start your post with a simple “I agree” or “I disagree” or something similar (even just a “Hi Steve” tells me you’re not spamming the Universe – I don’t test to see if you’re a robot), but readers (and me!) will want to know why you do either one.  Zero information comments will ALWAYS be eliminated.  I really don’t need any gratuitous pats on the back other than your reading the blog, but I welcome comments that contribute to the conversation.

Please also note that some comments are held automatically by WordPress antispam software, so if yours doesn’t appear immediately and is acceptable as part of the conversation (i.e. follows the above rules), I will fix the problem.  Also, your first blog comment has to be approved by me.  From then on, you might sail through, unless WP flashes the red light and calls the cops (with their spam filter), or I catch you breaking one of the above rules.

Please don’t think you have to agree with me. Discussion threads are generally enlightening, and I respect people’s opinions. Keep the discussion to the topic in the blog post, though.

Follow these rules if you want to join the conversation.  Doing so will make the blog a pleasant experience for every reader.  Thank you for your understanding.