Senior abuse…

While the Good Ole Piranhas would love to do away with all the big social programs for seniors completely—Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—Biden and many Dems now seem to be willing accomplices. The latter are doing everything they can to lose seniors’ votes. Their “Build Back Better” plan considers “improvements” to Medicare—hearing care, for example, with vision and dental excluded because they’re too expensive (read: aural doctors and dentists charge too much because no one controls them)—but it sure seems like they’re more than covering those improvements by stealthily increasing Medicare premiums (paid out of seniors’ Social Security benefits!). At the very least, this stinks like an old-fashioned shell game seniors so often lose, and it all gives the Republicans, who’d just love to open those euthanasia clinics, a campaign issue for 2022 and beyond (can you say President Trump again?).

Every time I hear someone say or read, “How great it must be retired and live the good life,” I conclude the person saying or writing that is just another “f*&^ing moron” like Trump. Too many seniors struggle to get by and have to make difficult choices, asking themselves: “How do I balance my medical needs, life-giving drugs, groceries, with paying my rent or property taxes?”

(AOC, in her infinite stupidity, says ending the SALT cap is a gift to the rich. No, it’s restoring a way out of double and triple taxation for the middle class in blue states. She’s doing just what Trump wanted, punish the people in those states who don’t vote for him.)

Doctors and hospitals demand more each year and pressure Medicare and health insurance companies to increase their payments to them (including those from supplementary health insurance policies, needed because Medicare doesn’t pay for everything–and Sanders, AOC, and many other Dems wanted Medicare for all? Big Pharma charges much more for their drugs in the US than anywhere else in the world. And a minimal increase in Social Security benefits (that’s keyed to the wrong index, by the way) will be more than eaten up by the increase in Medicare premiums, probably sending more seniors into poverty if not outright killing them (maybe the Good Ole Piranhas won’t need those euthanasia clinics?).

Are the Dems becoming as uncaring and fascistic as the Good Ole Piranhas? Certainly the extreme left is. If so, they’re doing it in a sneaky manner so that seniors can’t figure out what game is afoot. At least the Republicans don’t hide their contempt of seniors and abuse seniors openly. Maybe the Dems want to do their BBB-ing on the backs of seniors to cover the costs of their two-trillion dollar bill that they can’t pay for otherwise? If so, they deserve to lose the House and Senate in 2022.

May all seniors enjoy Thanksgiving with their vaccinated families and friends…and not have to think about these issues!