Double-see from the Good Ole Piranhas…

Double-speak was defined by George Orwell in 1984, that dystopian and depressing novel that so masterfully outlined the dangers of fascism, but historians might have to change the date to 2024 when analyzing the events that turned the US and the world to fascism yet again. The US and several other traditional democracies are definitely… Continue reading Double-see from the Good Ole Piranhas…

‘Twas quite the debacle!

If there is anyone left in the US—no, even in the rest of the world!—who didn’t know earlier that the Good Ole Piranhas (aka GOP aka Republicans) are immature, self-destructive fascist idiots who are incapable of governing a sandbox in a schoolyard, they only had to watch the torturous proceedings in the chambers of the… Continue reading ‘Twas quite the debacle!


Moscow Mitch is the most Machiavellian Good Ole Piranha leader the Senate has ever had, and his four years playing along with Narcissus le Grand have done tremendous damage to American democracy, the recent blackmail with the debt ceiling but the tip of the iceberg. The Turtle is a sneaky, behind-the-scenes villain bent on turning… Continue reading McConnell…