The wannabe emperor has no clothes!

I have to give Garry Trudeau credit here: Seeing a caricature of that “f&^%ing moron” in underpants and nothing else in the Doonesbury comic strip last Sunday—the fat (too many burgers and shakes?) and disgustingly mostly-naked fuehrer of the Fascist Party of America (the FPA aka Good Ole Piranhas or Marchin’ MAGA Morons), with his bleached, depleted, and long tresses hanging down (he always sports a three-layer covering of his baldness to project a faux masculinity, especially when looking threateningly at a woman he’s raped like in a recent courtroom setting)—that cartoonish rendering of the most dangerous man in American political history inspired me to write this post. Thank you, Mr. Trudeau! (I have every one of his collection lampooning that fascist moron, of course.)

I always hesitate when it comes to criticizing voters. Most know more about the dumb jocks on their sports teams than they know about politics and politicians. There are marching morons on both sides. For example, most NYC Council members along with the so-called NYC People’s Advocate Jumaane Williams are stupid enough to want to hamstring the NYPD by making them write up every encounter with the citizenry. Mayor Adams rightly vetoed that bill, but the Council might override the veto. Just another example, I guess, about why we need true conservatives like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger in local government as well: Stupid progressives all too often can’t stop their posturing or squelch their righteous indignation long enough to see the unintended consequences of their policies. With all this anti-cop sentiment (lumping all cops together by declaring guilt by association as if they were some huge Southern lynch mob), I can see honest and qualified law enforcement officers fleeing NYC in droves!

Of course, those Marchin’ MAGA Morons are at the other extreme of AOC and her commie friends, aren’t they? No, not really. The political spectrum isn’t linear. The extreme ends bend around and join in a single point called fascism. Speaker Mike Johnson and other fascists in the House and Senate plus those five SCOTUS judges and maybe the Chief Justice are as fascist as the leadership in Cuba and Venezuela. Political extremists are fascists. Period.

I have to give those Marchin’ MAGA Morons at least some credit for voting, though, even if it’s for their “f&^%ing moron” of a fuehrer. Their Il Duce, who’s obviously not even close to the genius he claims to be, manages to fool them completely, so anyone claiming they’re intelligent voters must ignore all the ample evidence to the contrary. How can they not see that their wannabe emperor has no clothes? (Time for you to look at Garry’s caricature again!)

The fuehrer of the FPA is not a genius but a psychotic sociopath as crazy as Adolph Hitler and Idi Amin combined. (DJT probably eats Big Macs because he thinks they’re made from the ground-up meat of his opponents. He scared ass-kissing toady Senator Tim Scott into supporting him, even though Nikki Haley had appointed Tim, because that other South Carolina fascist, Lindsey Graham, probably warned Tim about that possible fate.)

Narcissus le Grand rose to stardom thanks to those incompetent NBC producers, not for his business acumen. That NYC litigation will end by showing once and for all that his wonderful real estate deals were super-scams financed by the over-evaluation of his properties. That taints every real estate deal the Trump Corporation ever had; it implicates the old ancient wannabe-emperor’s entire family, the scurrilous sons and daughter, as well as his closest business associates. DJT moved to Florida to flash his fat finger at NYC. Now the city is returning that gesture in spades, and the Trump Corporation should no longer be able to scam New Yorkers when they’re banned from doing business in the state. (I’m assuming the judge does the right thing here. He’s already declared that those business dealings are fraudulent!)

Because so many of those Marchin’ MAGA Morons have no idea of what a mentally unstable person DJT is from their own personal experience, I feel obligated to remind them yet again what mental health professionals have determined (including his own niece!): He’s a sick man—sick in the head! The sociopathic part is self-evident to any sane person: He doesn’t care about anyone but himself! His followers believe he’ll take care of them; listen to their gripes, even if they’re just QAnon conspiracy theories; and smite down all those Americans like me who believe they all should be in straitjackets and locked up in padded cells! And probably not be allowed to vote! (Although there are crazies across the whole political spectrum now. Just look at the NYC City Council!)

And Narcissus le Grand isn’t just crazy. He’s senile! It’s ironic that so many blather on so much about Biden’s age when DJT’s suffering from his own aging problems even more! In 2016, I was already saying that I wouldn’t trust that “f^%$ing moron” with the nuclear codes. I said the same thing in 2020. And now, in New Hampshire, we saw ample evidence of early-onset dementia or Alzheimer’s in the Donald as he couldn’t seem to remember who Nikki Haley was and confused her with Nancy Pelosi. (There have been other instances too, but the media mostly ignores him and goes after Biden because they’re afraid of Il Duce and his followers…maybe rightly so? Journalism in China or Russia, for example, isn’t exactly a safe profession, and our mafia Don wants to be America’s Putin or Xi.) I just can’t believe even the Marchin’ MAGA Morons can want a fascist vegetable running the country!

In fact, their wannabe emperor goes through life making promises he never keeps, including winning elections! (He lost the popular vote in 2016, lost both the Electoral College and popular vote in 2020, and almost every one of his hand-picked candidates lost in the midterms in 2022. In none of these big-time losses was there fraud like he claims to have occurred!)

His desire to feed his greed and have absolute power stems from his narcissism; it’s all about him, no one else. He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you, me, or anyone else, just him…and maybe his sleazy family a little?

His braggadocio about being able to kill someone on NYC’s Fifth Avenue and get away with it, stated long before his claim of absolute immunity from criminal prosecution, is a complete farce because he’s actually a complete and utter coward who looks down on every American veteran. He even dares to criticize John McCain, a real patriot, mocking the injuries he obtained in the Hanoi Hilton’s torture chambers. He’s now saying that McCain voted for Obamacare only because he couldn’t raise that arm. Just let Il Duce and the FPA try to end Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. They’ll be drawn and quartered politically, or maybe even literally. if they even try to cut these popular social programs. And those threats to do so from Speaker Johnson and other fascists should be noted in every Dem campaign ad!

Narcissus le Grand would have survived the Hanoi Hilton only if he kissed the butts of his Vietcong jailors! He does this with Putin and Kim and will do it with Xi as soon as he’s in office again. They can play him like a fiddle because he’s scared of them but wants to join their autocratic club, acting just like the obsequious Il Duce did with Hitler!

Yes, the Marchin’ MAGA Morons should come to their senses and realize their wannabe emperor is a complete fool, and they too are fools for following him. But stating that or creating cartoons about this thuggish jerk won’t stop them from being fools, will it? Mental illness, at least in the politics among DJT’s followers, seems to be quite contagious! In America, we might have led the worldwide charge in defeating Covid (more thanks to Fauci, Ronnie boy, and no thanks to DJT, who recommended injecting disinfectant as a cure), but there doesn’t seem to be any cure for the mental illness of members of the FPA and their fuehrer. God help us!