“We want it all…or nothing!”

“We want it all…or nothing!”

Let’s face it: Hot-head young progressives like AOC are really demanding. Unlike their more mature elders (I count myself among them), they want it all…or nothing. There’s no compromise, or as Sen. Joe Manchin puts it: They’re willing to throw out the good to achieve their socialist goals (I didn’t put that in quotes because it’s a paraphrase—I’m not a Manchin fan, by the way).

Another way to put it: AOC et al are willing to throw out the baby with the dirty bath water. More moderate and reasonable Dems are willing to compromise to ensure Biden’s agenda achieves at least some partial success (of course, that other Joe, President Biden, should have never consented to link the two infrastructure bills, but AOC et al were already threatening revolt back then).

AOC is conceited, uneducated, uncouth, and unprepared for the role she’s assumed. Let’s consider of her moronic pronouncements: “My fellow Democrats [meaning anyone in the party who opposes her] should do their homework.” Hypocritical on her part, to say the least, because she’s never done hers.

Consider SALT, for example. AOC is leading the charge to keep the cap that Il Duce (Donald Trump) put in place as payback to blue states for not voting for him. AOC’s argument: Getting rid of the cap would be a gift to the rich. It’s not, and she hasn’t done her homework if she thinks it is! Federal taxes in blue states are high (one reason is because the blue states basically subsidize the red); that cap hurts a lot of ordinary people, the ones who pay most of the taxes. SALT offered some relief, and the cap enabled Narcissus le Grand (Trump) to give tax cuts to the rich. That’s just them opposite of what that little twit said!

My conclusion: There are “marching morons” on both sides of the political spectrum, people like AOC and Gaetz who are too stupid to see what’s really good for the country. When either side says “all or nothing,” we get dysfunctional governments, giving autocrats like Trump the Chump even more reason to say democracy doesn’t work, that only a strong, autocratic government can get anything done. Maybe AOC and Gaetz and their cohorts should go live somewhere else? Here most people want government to work, not be ideologically rigid. Ideologies can’t solve today’s problems. AOC is like Lucy jerking the football away from Charlie Brown, and that kind of dogmatism will destroy American democracy.