I find it amusing that the words “fascist” and “fascism” are now frequently being used; i.e., people are taking the gloves off and labelling these extreme people correctly. General Mark Milley, Donald Jackass Trump’s Joint Chiefs chairman: “Trump is fascist to the core.” (That’s from Bob Woodward’s new book War, which is excellent!) General John… Continue reading Fascists! Fascists! Everywhere!
Month: October 2024
That hateful and infamous scowl…
I’m guessing Donald Jackass Trump took lessons from Mussolini in order to perfect that infamous imperial scowl that expresses his disdain for all humanity. This bigoted bastard is a psychotic sociopath, so he only likes himself. But is that an excuse? He’s not shy about saying who he dislikes either. From that day in 2015… Continue reading That hateful and infamous scowl…
Presidential election issues…
As early voting begins here in the tri-state area and elsewhere, it’s useful to discuss some issues that are important in this tight presidential election. Here are a few of the most important: Immigration? Donald Jackass Trump blew this one because firstly, there are fewer illegals now in the US than when his presidential term… Continue reading Presidential election issues…
The sequel will be worse, but…
At best the presidential election is now a toss-up; at worst, Kamala’s poll numbers are worse than old Joe’s in 2019. In any case, it looks bad for her. My expectations for Harris were low: VPs traditionally don’t do well, and she has had very little time to make her case to the American public… Continue reading The sequel will be worse, but…
The incompetent and irresponsible…
With national elections nearly upon us, it’s time to talk about who are the best politicians. (Sorry, I’m not supporting any particular candidate in this post, just representative democracy.) The best US representatives and senators are those who are invisible yet competent when the elections are over and our people in Washington DC must knuckle… Continue reading The incompetent and irresponsible…
Justice can be a scarce commodity in the US…
I don’t know who said it, but there’s ample evidence to support it: We don’t have a justice system in America; we only have a flawed legal system. And the latter all too often fails! Let’s start at the very bottom (called the “top” by some idiots, of course): In most democracies, Donald Jackass Trump… Continue reading Justice can be a scarce commodity in the US…
The dangers of AI…
Yeah, I know it’s only a few more weeks before that all-important November election, but let’s take a break and discuss something that’s probably more important in the long run than politics (and it still could affect that election!): That ubiquitous AI fad. First, let me tell you why AI’s generally dangerous. AI is certainly… Continue reading The dangers of AI…