What does DJT think of Ukraine now?

Ignoring the other Putin lovers among the Good Ole Piranhas and whether DJT is capable of any rational thought, does that “f&^%ing moron” now think differently about Ukraine and its battle against Putin’s invasion of this much smaller country (with a big, brave heart!). One can only hope, but, as that first impeachment trial clearly… Continue reading What does DJT think of Ukraine now?

Deals with the DINOs…

The DINOs still ruined the effectiveness of the Dems’ multifaceted bill even though it was already whittled down. First, let’s talk about DINO Joe. If you were wondering why Sen. Joe Manchin suddenly changed his mind to support some of the “Build Back Better” agenda, I was too. It turns out the motivation for that… Continue reading Deals with the DINOs…

The crazies from Trump land…

Who’d have guessed? That “f&^%ing moron” Trump (not my quote but ex-SecState Tillerson’s) states that people should get vaccinated, and his followers boo him! (There are other schisms among the “marching morons” too, but I’m focusing on the anti-vaccination, anti-masking idiots.) A radicalized tween from New York State’s conservative Long Island, mostly Trump land, spews… Continue reading The crazies from Trump land…

Should unions dictate public health policy?

The simple answer is a resounding no! In a public health emergency like the Covid pandemic, no one besides qualified government health professionals from the federal government should dictate public health policy. (And they shouldn’t receive death threats like Dr. Fauci while doing it.) Most doctors aren’t even qualified either because they’re not epidemiologists. (Are… Continue reading Should unions dictate public health policy?

Obscene amounts of money…

Ah, pro sports…where most everyone’s a fan and those elite stars make obscene amounts of money. (Aaron Rogers makes—made?—1.6 million dollars per game, matching Tom Brady’s pay). That means “stars,” often becoming idols for our young people, can easily give in to their latent narcissistic personalities and morph into someone as bad as that “f&^%ing… Continue reading Obscene amounts of money…

Vaccine myths…

They range from reasonably sounding ones that just aren’t true to the absolutely ridiculous. Let’s get rid of the latter first, because they show just how stupid some people are. (See Einstein’s quote. He was right about human stupidity.) Vaccines are not a plot to control anyone. They are not used to inject microchips into… Continue reading Vaccine myths…

Religious exemptions?

Is there any religion that condones infecting someone with a deadly disease or committing murder by doing the same? If someone’s religion does that, they might want to consider getting a different religion! I’m talking about religious exemptions against vaccines, Covid vaccines in particular. For the latter, judges or policy makers shouldn’t accept them because… Continue reading Religious exemptions?

Amendment #28…

Section 1. The federal government shall be given the power to declare a public health emergency in any state or region of the United States of America, or the entire country, and to mandate necessary and corrective measures to resolve that emergency. Section 2. No state, county or local government can pass laws, and no… Continue reading Amendment #28…

“If your teacher is unvaccinated and unmasked, go to the back of the classroom…”

I’m tired of excrement-for-brains morons expressing their freedom by passing Covid-19 to the rest of us! These self-centered asses are murdering SOBs. Everyone’s rights end when it comes to a public health emergency. Period! Vaccinations should be mandated—all vaccinations! Democracy doesn’t give anyone the right to kill others. Those “others” include those who cannot be… Continue reading “If your teacher is unvaccinated and unmasked, go to the back of the classroom…”