“Project 2025,” Trump’s plan for a fascist America…

There are many scary things about that “f&^%ing moron” running for president, Donald Jackass Trump. Many of us recognize the truth in ex-SecState Tillerson’s description of Narcissus le Grand, although he (Trump, not Tillerson) can also provide us with a few good laughs at times (especially since he hates being made fun of). Unfortunately, that moron has a few smarter fascists (i.e., “smarter,” relatively speaking, compared to him) among his sycophants who are also damn scary, if not scarier because they’re deadly serious: Stephen Bannon, his Goebbels; Stephen Miller, his Himmler; Peter Navarro; “Moscow Mitch” McConnell, who has used Trump to get what he wants; etc., etc. A lot of these evil minions have probably contributed to “Project 2025,” 1000+ pages of a fascist playbook describing ways to turn American democracy into the Fascist States of America (FPA).

We must consider “Project 2025” to be the Good Ole Piranhas’ 2024 platform. Its proposals can be simply summarized for those who don’t like to read, especially the MAGA maniacs who emulate their lord and master: They’re fascist-pleasing “reforms” of progressive laws, regulations, and rules that the liberal establishment has created. (And you thought displaying the “Ten Commandments” was over the top? As if any of these fascists ever followed them!) For example, fealty to Trump will be required for any federal job. More specifically, if enacted, the reforms in “Project 2025” will guarantee that every federal employee has sworn their allegiance to the FPA, i.e. to Trump’s Nazi-party-like version of the Good Ole Piranhas, and its new fuehrer, Donald J. Trump.

Of course, maybe it’s the people who’ve designed “Project 2025” who should be worried? Sane people in America might not like those new fealty and other autocratic rules and rebel against them! Or, even before the 2024 election, some wild MAGA maniacs might think that reelecting Trump isn’t such a good idea, or they believe they themselves should be the new dictator of a fascist America. Trump’s lust for power isn’t unique among the MAGA maggots and maniacs. Autocratic sentiments are ubiquitous in today’s FPA.

January 6, 2021 showed that our wannabe Il Duce (who likes a fattening and unhealthy McDonald meal more than anything remotely Italian) will do almost anything to satisfy that lust, just like Kim, Putin, Xi, and many other autocrats who’ve gone before and whom the Donald admires so much. Because he’s so damn fat and unhealthy, he might just be smart and less senile enough to realize he might keel over and die soon, so, out of spite, he could be willing to destroy the planet just to get even with everyone. I’m not sure that even his evil and most faithful sycophants would want that to occur!

“Getting even” doesn’t have to mean that Trump will become Dr. Strangelove (although he will be toting that nuclear football again if he wins in 2024). “Destroying the planet” probably isn’t a specific goal in “Project 2025” either, but it’s implied. The application of his evil could also be more subtle (although that’s more characteristic of the high-ranked sycophants in his orbit than that “f&^%ing moron”). Il Duce has already made overtures to the fossil-fuel industry’s leaders; to paraphrase: “Give me a billion dollars (yes, a billion!) for my campaign, and I’ll roll back every climate-control bill Biden and those evil liberals have passed.” He’s going to turn the world over to Putin and Xi anyway—he’s already told Putin to do whatever he wants with Europe! Between the world’s dictators and the fossil-fuel execs, the destruction of the planet is assured…no doubt about it, assuming he’s elected again.

Tillerson’s absolutely correct description aside, Trump still brags in his rallies (or most anywhere else!) about being a super-genius. He didn’t create “Project 2025”—that moron can barely read and write, after all—but he’s ready to adopt that playbook as his own. The sycophants who produced it are just like the ghostwriters who created his The Art of the Deal, after all. They gave him what he wanted—that’s what they’ll claim if they ever need to excuse themselves. But maybe, like promoting global warming to keep the energy execs happy (you’d think that their lowest of the low tax rate would be enough!), everything in it is maybe just some evil master-plan to eliminate most of the world’s population via diverse methods—another pandemic, starvation, lack of potable water, a poisoned atmosphere, and so forth.

Yes, that’s Narcissus le Grand’s final solution a la his mega-hero Adolf Hitler: If he can’t be dictator forever, he’ll make sure no one else can by killing off most of the world’s population so he can at least be a dictator while he’s still alive, no thanks to McDonald’s. He tried to do that with the Covid pandemic, after all, so maybe he’s arranged to have Xi’s lab in Wuhan unleash a newer and deadlier virus. But maybe they’ll provide Trump and his inner circle of sycophants with an antidote? That whole gang of thugs with Trump as capo is capable of doing just that if they think they can get away with it. They’re all psychotic sociopaths like their lord and master, and they’d call it “just retribution.”

God help humanity and planet Earth if “Project 2025” becomes the fascist playbook for the future of America! You can see it all unfold if you put Trump the Chump back in the White House!