A VP he can trust?

Yes, I realize that no sane person could or should ever trust Trump, but let’s turn things around, just for fun: Who can he trust to be his VP?

Mike Pence was his faithful lap dog for four years; and, at the end, Narcissus le Grand considered him a traitor. As Trump’s insurrectionists invaded the Capitol on January 6, 2021 (yelling “Hang Mike Pence!” with a scaffold quite visible on the Capitol’s grounds), Trump was hoping that the crowd would do just that.

As the Donald embarks on his third quest to become America’s absolute dictator, who can he now trust to be a loyal VP? Biden’s joke about his VP actually supporting him rings true, so maybe Trump will look for a servile woman like Keri Lake or Kristi Noem to join him in his White House? (I’m not suggesting Kamala is servile, but she can be supporting.) Lake has shown to the nth degree, though, that if she had any brains, she’d be dangerous; Noem is scary even without brains and, if she were his VP, top-mongrel Trunp would need more Secret Service protection because we’ve already seen what Kristi does to dogs who don’t obey her.

What about J. D. Vance? He’s a friend of Don Jr., so maybe, unlike Kristi,  he restricts his killing of animals to wild beasts like Junior does? And didn’t J. D. royally diss Trump before begging for his endorsement? That’s a good sign, believe it or not. (The country’s leading fascists, including two Speakers of the House, have puckered up and kissed Trump’s bum.)

But why not keep it in the family? First Lady Melania has never done a damn thing worthwhile, so she could easily do the VP’s job, which is just more of the same. And hubby wouldn’t dare fire her. Or would he? Or she might finally decide that Stormy et al require her own retribution tour against Trump, especially if he’s convicted. If she divorces the “f&^%ing moron,” can she still be VP and then become POT-ass? It might take the six fascists on SCOTUS to decide that gnarly constitutional question.

I can’t think of anyone else who’s stupid enough to want to be Trump’s VP. And the MAGA maniacs might actually hang that person next time.

Aha! I have the solution! This is the era of AI (poor stand-ins for HAL, of course). Trump can ask Xi the favor of creating AI software for him that can bekcome his VP. Who knows? That AI might think that all humans are as dumb and incompetent as Narcissus le Grand and decide that the Donald, or any other entity claiming to be human, should not be running the country. Of course, that AI would be correct: Our very own Il Duce would never be able to pass the Turing test because Trump stopped being a normal human decades ago according to a slew of mental health pros who declared him to be a pscychotic sociopath.

Can AI software be our hope for the future? Time will tell. Sounds better than disinfectant, what that “f^%$ing moron” proposed to treat Covid.

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