America’s companies support fascism…

This is no surprise, I suppose, and I’m not afraid to say it. In these posts, I call a spade a spade, although that word has two meanings, and multinational conglomerates are trying to bury us with one. Corporations are essentially fascist organizations. Some little tyrant with no moral scruples and his willing cohorts lord it over their fiefdom, and that tyrant is coddled or even worshipped (Gates and Jobs come to mind) in a cult of personality that mimics the worst autocratic systems on the planet. One can easily imagine a dystopian world where multinational corporations rule Earth. (Many sci-fi authors, including me, have warned about this threat to human freedoms, individuality, and morality.)

But this blog isn’t about sci-fi. It’s not about rants warning what might await us in a dystopian or post-apocalyptic future. There are plenty of facts around to prove the thesis of the title. We can start with 1930s Germany where the country’s industrial might supported the Nazis—Bayer, Mecedes-Benz, Volkswagen and so forth were corporate pillars that buoyed up Hitler and looked the other way in the Nazis’ campaign against the Jews and anyone else who disagreed with them, only because that increased their profits and made Germany great again. Sound familiar? That’s what’s going on today: Corporate America is supporting fascism! As a consequence, the US is looking a lot like 1930s Germany, only their support for fascism goes much farther as they provide the tools to further their fascist agenda.

While all eyes are now on President-for-Life Putin, that evil mafia leader of that failed petro-state known as Russia—probably only the US fossil fuel conglomerates openly root for him—China’s #1 fascist, President-for-Life Xi, the Mao wannabe, has many big American corporations backing him. Many American corporations use cheap Chinese labor (often forced labor with many products made by political prisoners, including exploited minorities like the Uighurs) to fatten their profit margins. None of these will speak out against the Chinese government for that reason, even though they gave us Covid. (Those vaccine producers have made a ton of blood money off that disease!)

NBC, that bastion of democratic thought (that’s irony, because that corporation has always put greed over social conscience, starting long ago with the cancellation of the Smother Brothers’ Comedy Hour!), preferred to make profits by selling ad space for the Winter Olympics over expressing moral outrage at China’s abysmal human rights history. (And Russia still sponsors doping? That’s not news. And it doesn’t matter because the IOC is the autocrats’ tool.) The greed of America’s companies inhibits them from insulting China’s pretend-communist leaders, the fascist Xi included. The latter’s treatment of Uighurs amounts to genocide, so America’s companies are supporting that as will as fascism. (Of course, genocide is a consequence of fascism because fascist leaders always pick on a minority to create a scapegoat for their people to hate. Trump followed that Nazi master plan by including blacks and Asians as well as Jews. Some of the latter drank his kool-aid—Kushner and Miller come to mind—but that’s no surprise because Netanyahu was a Trump-clone and Hitler was half-Jew.

China’s zero-tolerance policy against Covid is just one tool they’re using in their 1984-like control over helpless Chinese citizens. Xi wants the entire world under his thumb. (Putin does too, but he neither has the population nor the technology in his failed petro-state, only wet dreams about making Russia great again by recreating the USSR.) Chinese attacks all freedoms, but especially freedom of speech and religion, patently obvious in Hong Kong and with the Uighurs, and this is also Orwellian.

While we can’t do much about Putin and Xi’s stranglehold on their citizens and those in client states beyond stiff economic sanctions, it’s incredible that America’s CEOs support these two evil empires, putting corporate greed above any moral turpitude. For them, it’s all about making money, not morality.

There was a time when America’s corporations had more balls. They supported our fight against fascism in WWII. Now they’re so addicted to making tons of money that they’ve sold their souls to the fascist devils. Or maybe they’re the fascist devils, the right-wing plutocracy that thinks the world would be better with autocracies. I wonder how many corporations will support Trump in 2024. God help us! America’s companies certainly won’t!