What a difference!

That Dem rally in Philly was amazing! I saw a party newly energized by two young candidates at the top of their game. (Okay, they were just less old, fifty-nine for Harris, sixty for Walz, but same thing!) And the voters were excited about those candidates, showing an enthusiasm that hopefully carries right into November.… Continue reading What a difference!

Much ado about nothing!

From the title, you might suspect that this post is a recap of what went on at the FNC—that’s “Fascists National Convention”—but there’s a double meaning. I’ve written enough about Donald Jackass Trump over the years—not much new there, considering that his “unity message” went down in flames—and seeing a few fascist followers supporting similar… Continue reading Much ado about nothing!

Don’t MAGA maniacs have any shame?

The news cycle has suddenly blasted off from Jeff Bezos’s West Texas launch pad to remake the Blue Biden ticket into…eh, the “who’s running now?” ticket. I’d planned a post for today bashing the claim from that “f*&^ing moron” that God had saved him at that Pennsylvania rally, simply because possibly there still might be… Continue reading Don’t MAGA maniacs have any shame?