[Note from Steve: This post continues a series of posts, bipartisan in spirit, that analyze the mistakes the “Founding Fathers” made in writing the Constitution, that revered “law of the land.” Why are these errors so meaningful now? Because America’s fascists have discovered them and are using them to destroy American democracy!] One can also… Continue reading Errors of Our “Founding Fathers”: The Senate…
Category: education
Freedom of religion?
What an appropriate discussion topic for this day when the best of us give thanks in an ecumenical manner instead of trying to force our beliefs upon others! While most of Donald Jackass Trump’s nominees are only qualified to kiss his big butt—any skills they might have will be used at best to further his… Continue reading Freedom of religion?
Hispanic heritage and the fascists’ blame-game…
[Note from Steve: I’m posting this article to both my blogs because it’s about politics as well as reading and writing. If you object to that, you don’t have to read it!] Although I’m sure the neo-Nazi and white supremacist MAGA maniacs and their fascist fuehrer, Donald J. Trump, don’t give a rat’s ass about… Continue reading Hispanic heritage and the fascists’ blame-game…
One thing dictators try to insist on is fealty. That’s not loyalty because it means followers are always puckering up to kiss the leader’s butt. Any democratic leader worth his salt does not want his collaborators to be butt-kissers all the time. Obama kept Biden as VP even though he spoke up against his boss’s… Continue reading Fealty…
Special Saturday post: Back to liberalism!
Probably like many of you, I’ve been listening and watching as fascist and misguided youths’ protests spread across the US—misguided because they think support of the terrorist organization Hamas is a noble cause; fascist because terrorism is just an extreme manifestation of fascism. There are common threads tying all these campus protests together: They’re the… Continue reading Special Saturday post: Back to liberalism!
I haven’t been publishing my stories that long compared to some authors (my first published novel, Full Medical, also #1 in the “Clones and Mutants” series, was published in 2006), but there were many more things that concerned me at that time than the so-called “culture wars” (Saudis’ support of 9/11 the terrorists, the Iraq… Continue reading “Woke”?
Higher-education costs…
They can be challenging for students and parents alike. As the fascist judges on SCOTUS rail against President Biden’s plan to help people handle this onerous burden, let’s consider some details of the case. First, the main issue here, the most important one, in fact, and what those fascist judges seem to be willingly ignoring,… Continue reading Higher-education costs…