A brief summary of key 2023 events: Will the world become fascist in 2024?

One major theme that has appeared from the beginning in this blog has been the rise of fascism in the US and around the world. Rcent events prove that this warning wasn’t alarmist blathering but very real. The war in Ukraine and the border problem. Even people of good faith are forgetting about the danger… Continue reading A brief summary of key 2023 events: Will the world become fascist in 2024?

Double-see from the Good Ole Piranhas…

Double-speak was defined by George Orwell in 1984, that dystopian and depressing novel that so masterfully outlined the dangers of fascism, but historians might have to change the date to 2024 when analyzing the events that turned the US and the world to fascism yet again. The US and several other traditional democracies are definitely… Continue reading Double-see from the Good Ole Piranhas…

Should we share intel with Israel?

This is a rather general question with answers that are often complex and baffling. An ally’s situtation often changes rapidly in our changing world. It’s not enough to say that the enemy of our enemies is our friend. Israel is a case in point: Under Netanyahu, Israel is now more a fascist state than ever… Continue reading Should we share intel with Israel?

More revenge for Victor Jara?

If readers of this blog wonder why I’m so passionately against even the hint of fascism in the US and worldwide, here I provide some of my personal background to explain that. You see, I lived in Colombia for more than a decade. As a professor, scientist, and wannabe writer—now mostly unsuccessful in the latter… Continue reading More revenge for Victor Jara?

Tribalism is another deadly plague…

It’s been around since human beings’ prehistory, and it has killed millions. It has led to some nations (think of them as big tribes) acting as aggressors and their victims egotistically whining that their plight is worse than other victims’ and vowing for revenge. These thoughts came to me when a reporter commented on the… Continue reading Tribalism is another deadly plague…

PGA’s leaders aid and abet murderers…

That MAGA wannabe-fuehrer began the Good Ole Piranhas’ practice of ignoring the murdering Saudis’ evil actions—anyone still have nightmares of that “f&^%ing moron” doing his saber dance in Saudi Arabia?—but others were quick to jump on the bandwagon. It’s all about their oil money, of course, whether it’s for a Trump hotel in the Saudi… Continue reading PGA’s leaders aid and abet murderers…

The point of no return?

The Good Ole Piranhas (aka Republicans or the GOP) are now between a rock and a hard place: A minority of them want to return to the core values of the party—limited government, support of big business, a strong military and foreign policy, etc., the GOP’s traditional conservative values in a nutshell—but the others, especially… Continue reading The point of no return?

What does DJT think of Ukraine now?

Ignoring the other Putin lovers among the Good Ole Piranhas and whether DJT is capable of any rational thought, does that “f&^%ing moron” now think differently about Ukraine and its battle against Putin’s invasion of this much smaller country (with a big, brave heart!). One can only hope, but, as that first impeachment trial clearly… Continue reading What does DJT think of Ukraine now?

US actions needed…

Erdogan’s Turkey won’t approve Finland and Sweden’s joining NATO? Turkey, like Orban’s Hungary and Putin’s Russia, is now completely fascist. The US needs to take the lead and encourage Europe to join with them to expel Hungary, Turkey, and other non-democratic countries from both the EU and NATO. Why should fascist countries be helped economically?… Continue reading US actions needed…