
There are foolish optimists who think that what Americans have in common will trump (pardon the pun) our differences. How foolish these mortals be! Sorry, but I have absolutely nothing in common with the MAGA millions who think that “fucking moron” will make their miserable lives better..

And there are pessimists who think that Americans’ differences are insurmountable. Considering the evidence objectively, that’s logical and reasonable…and a bleak prognosis for 2025 and beyond!

Then there are all those millions—the one-issue voters; the anti-science idiots; the silent (and not-so-silent in their fascist echo chambers) bigots, haters, and religious fanatics; and everyone else who thinks Sunday’s football games are more important than what happens to our democracy. Many of these are the proverbial ostriches who bury their empty heads in the sand as long as there’s a TV down that hole streaming video…or a videogame or two?

Our “great universities” are banning sociology courses now—can’t have anything “woke” or—horrors!—progressive, and forget about cultural or scientific studies. Consequently, here’s your history and sociology lesson for today to help you become more woke, i.e., more human and less like that flightless, stupid bird with his head in a hole. (Don’t get me wrong: I love birds. They’re better than humans because at least they’re free and have no Trump.)

A second civil war in America might be in your future, so be prepared. (Probably not in mine. Hopefully, I’ll already be dead so I don’t have to see it!) As a student of history, I could see that America in the period 1845-1865 had insurmountable divisions, the largest of them associated with an outmoded and evil racist economic system based on slavery, but with many moral issues as well with large doses of irrational hate. Fast forward some hundred-plus years and you will find that 2020 and beyond looks like 1845 and beyond. Our nation’s divisions today are also insurmountable.

That “f&^%ing moron” pretends to be the savior of our nation, but he’s not and never can be because he’s the chief disruptor. And his fascist MAGA sycophants who help him with the disruption are all a copy of Hitler’s henchman even though Narcissus le Grand is far too incompetent to have any of Hitler’s so-called successes. (Um, maybe Donald Jackass Trump will actually destroy the world, though. His toys are a lot more dangerous!) In brief, it not only looks like 1850 in the US now, it’s also like Germany in the 1930s as the Nazis came to power.

Everything has come together to make a civil war not only a possibility but also a necessity just as it was in Lincoln’s day. (Of course, our wannabe Il Duce is no Lincoln, and the Fascist Party of America, Lincoln’s party’s new name, is completely fascist.) The first one “healed” the nation by eliminating a failed and brutal economic system. The same thing occurred with the fall of the Berlin wall: Communism was seen to be a debunked ideology and just another form of fascism (although too many idiots still believe that “power to the people,” meaning the fascists in control, will solve everything).

“Fascism” is just a word to describe what evil human beings can do to others in their greedy quest for power. Putin and Xi know that. Do Americans? Putin and Xi practice that. Do Americans want to live in such a system?

Yes, our divisions are very real, just like in the 1850s. America’s wounds are bleeding, and they’re likely fatal. Unfortunately, Trump will just create more wounds. He’s got four more years to do a lot of damage!

That’s the end of my “woke” lesson. If it comes down to a battle between the Democratic States of America versus the Fascist States of America, and you’ve gone off to watch some inconsequential NFL game, I promise not to come back and haunt you (even if you deserve it for being oblivious!). My ghost might whisper in your ear, though, “You deserve this, you SOB!”


In celebration of the holidays (quite a few to end this year!), this will be the last dose of reality appearing here in my political blog for 2024. Who knows what 2025 will bring, or whether America even endures to 2026, right? In any case, please enjoy a safe and wonderful time during the last days of 2024 with your family and friends. Happy holidays!