Donald Jackass Trump’s idiotic tariffs…

The fascist destroyer of the Republican Party who, emulating Conan the Barbarian, has been busily converting it into that angry, mindless mob I now call the Fascist Party of America (FPA), has always had wet dreams about tariffs. He’s such a “fucking moron” that he believes they are a “big-league” weapon to use on allied and enemy countries alike, when any sane economist knows they’re a blunt and idiotic tool that cannot help any economy, not even the one levying the tariffs.

Colombia became the first victim this schoolyard bully threatened with tariffs. This friendly but small US ally, one of the best friends and trading partners the US has in the western hemisphere (if not in size, certainly as steadfast as Canada), had to back down. That country was just too small to stand up to the US bully (nevertheless, I’d hoped they would!), even though Americans as well as many others value their many products like fresh fruit, coffee (I only drink Colombian!), roses (the standard Valentine’s Day gift!), oil, and other products (including the illegal drugs that American fascists, especially FPA leaders, often party with, if only to forget how much they’ve delivered their souls to the Orange Devil).

How that jackass brayed about bashing that US ally Colombia! Hell, maybe the “fucking moron” wants to steal that country along with Panama because he’s an admirer of that fascist turn-of-the-century imperialist Teddy Roosevelt. Yes, ‘twas disappointing that Colombia didn’t call the SOB’s bluff. I’m sure the EU would have welcomed all those products from Colombia, and the latter country might still turn to them or China to protect themselves from the jackass’s abusive trade policies.

Canada represents a step up in Narcissus le Grand’s stupidity about applying tariffs, though. Americans voted for the “fucking moron” because they thought he’d help the American economy? Surprise, surprise, you stupid MAGA fascists! Tariffs always hurt the country levying them more, especially in a trade war, which Canada is quite strong enough to win. They can be as damaging or even more so than any other skirmish with the exception of using nuclear weapons. (Trump won’t win many friends anywhere in the world, especially among Canadians, if he threatens to drop bombs on Ottawa, Toronto, and other Canadian cities as part of his efforts to turn the country into the fifty-first state!)

In case you’re a fucking MAGA fascist reading this (can they read? The jackass can’t!) who doesn’t understand how stupid tariffs are just like your fascist wannabe fuehrer, here’s the short and simple version that you just might be capable of understanding: You’ll be paying more with tariffs, and a lot more in a trade war! They’re a tax on all Americans, and they’re designed to allow the jackass to give his fascist friends even more tax breaks. Biden’s healthy economy, the best in the world at the time of the 2024 election and soon after until the jackass started ruining it, will look like paradise lost in comparison! Obviously, I can only laugh when you stupid people start complaining.

Sure, as a fascist MAGA maniac, you probably hate and distrust all science. FYI: Economics is a science—I’ll admit it’s not as exact as some like physics—and you often can’t obtain agreement among scientists (they’re only stupid humans too, though not as stupid as the FPA’s moronic hordes). But most any economist will tell you—I’d guess about ninety percent or more—and I repeat: Tariffs are disastrous for both economies involved, the levying country and the exporting country! (They only hurt the latter with diminished export sales, which is no hurt at all if there exist other markets!) Tariffs are all bad, and tariff wars are stupid! They’re so bad, in fact, that they can destroy even a strong economy like the one the jackass received from Mr. Biden! There’s no “art of the deal” that can ever completely halt the destruction that tariffs can cause to economies.

Tariffs don’t work. Period! They’re worse than a worldwide pandemic like Covid-19 for destroying economies! Of course, Donald Jackass Trump didn’t handle that pandemic too well either. It’s no surprise we’re still straightening out all the damage he did in the campaign against Covid during his first term. I guarantee we will spend even more years fixing our economy if we have four years of tariffs stupidly levied by Donald Jackass Trump.

In fact, it’s reasonable to conclude that with the jackass’s trade policies, tariffs will be the way the world ends! Somebody has to stop this “fucking moron”! Where’s the Avenger or the Black Panther when we need them? Imprisoned by that slimy Elon Muskrat or in Guantanamo after being swept up by an ICE raid? God help us! May God smite down this Orange Devil and all his evil fascist minions who’re out to destroy America!

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