Drinking the autocrats’ Kool-Aid…

The American and Russian people have something terrible in common: A large number from each group drank the Kool-Aid of their evil autocrats. Too many believed and still believe Trump’s battle cry to “make America great again”; the majority of Russians are too tolerant of Putin’s “make Russia great again.” And both groups of morons are only hurting themselves.

What has temporarily saved America is our democratic traditions—Trump lost in 2020 because enough people still believed in them. Russia has never had any, from Czarist times to the present, so Putin was able to make them drink the Kool-Aid of autocracy a lot easier. But fundamentally there’s no difference between the two men and the fools in their corresponding populations. And Trump doesn’t necessarily admire Putin; he’s jealous that the Russian psycho has had the easier job at the Kool-Aid stand.

Many Americans still drink the Kool-Aid, though, and Biden (or any lesser Dem) will have a tough time in 2024. Biden and the Dems justifiably blame Putin’s Russia for at least part of the US’s economic problems. The US has declared war on Russia, an economic war, and there’s blowback from that to America, as there is from any large inferno good firefighters must battle. The fascist Good Ole Piranhas want Trump “to make America great again,” i.e. to finish the job of sending the US down into the cesspool of fascism that the fascist idiots know and love, so McConnell, McCarthy, and Trump, of course, say all our economic woes are Biden’s fault.

Excuse me, you marching morons of the GOP, but we’re fighting an important war here! It’s called the war of democracy vs. autocracy. I know you love drinking Trump’s Kool-Aid as well as that imported from Russia. Your gods are greed and power, just like Putin, his oligarchs, and the majority of the Russian people’s.

It doesn’t help that Biden and his cronies have no balls. They’re all playing Chamberlain when they should be acting like Churchill. Appeasement, using the excuse that Ukraine isn’t a NATO country, plays right into the fascists’ hands. We can’t control fascists like Putin and Trump, both power-hungry psychos who threaten world peace, if those who can stand up become cowards and weasel out.

It’s sad that we let such morons control human beings’ destines! Good people like the Ukrainians fighting to preserve their democracy and sovereignty don’t get the support they deserve from Americans for good reason: Too many Americans love the sweet taste of fascism’s Kool-Aid. or shiver in fear of its relentless march. We deserve our fate, I suppose. The world’s new motto will soon become “Fascism uber alles!”