Freedom of religion?

What an appropriate discussion topic for this day when the best of us give thanks in an ecumenical manner instead of trying to force our beliefs upon others!

While most of Donald Jackass Trump’s nominees are only qualified to kiss his big butt—any skills they might have will be used at best to further his fascist agenda—let’s not forget about how this fascist and his evil minions will chip away at Americans’ rights.

Women’s reproductive rights are already a casualty. (Why that didn’t win Harris all the female voters’ support is beyond me—I guess a lot of women are just masochists and do what their fascist husbands tell them to do?) Soon we’ll all have extreme Evangelical and Catholic religious dogma rammed down our throats, beginning with the brainwashing of every kid in our nation’s schools.

Oh the hypocrisy! Oklahoma and Texas fascists a la Iranian and ISIS fanatics have both approved display of the Ten Commandments, the latter state even bible lessons, for every child in Oklahoma and Texas public schools! Of course, emphasis will be on the King James protestant bible, but I guess the Catholic fanatics are also okay with that. It will surely be an indoctrination from the New Testament too. Those radical SBC devils in the South wouldn’t want to encourage any Jewish ideas, after all, let alone Buddhist, Hindi, Islamic or—heaven forbid!—create atheistic and agnostic “sinners.” (Doesn’t sinning require the person who does it to believe in God?) In other words, Oklahoma and Texas kids will be free to practice any religion of their choice as long as it’s sanctioned by the state! Other states will surely follow these fascist Christian soldiers’ lead. Goodbye to First Amendment rights in America!

While the Founding Fathers made enough mistakes in creating the US Constitution to allow the FPA (“Fascist Party of America,” once known as the Republican Party) to usurp power in the US (states’ rights plus electoral college = a shameful disaster for American democracy), they immediately added an appropriate editorial correction to that venerable document called the Bill of Rights. For example, they decided that nobody, absolutely no one, can force their religious beliefs upon anyone else (or lack thereof, although they didn’t say that explicitly, but it’s been followed in practice). But that’s exactly what the Oklahoma and Texas state governments are doing (and other states want to do), so what they did is against the law of the land! Period!

Ever since that magical moment at the end of the eighteenth century, fascist traitors in America, scurrilous people with sentiments akin to those of Iran and ISIS’s fanatical religious leaders (these include a majority of SCOTUS judges now who act like an evil Iranian junta in many situations) have whittled away at our rights, making a horrible detour along the road to fascism that voters follow like mindless lemmings as they follow their fascist leaders over the cliffs of intolerance.

You can bet on the FPA’s fuehrer, Donald Jackass Trump, and his fascist MAGA maniacs continuing to destroy the rights that America’s founding fathers so valued. Leaders in Oklahoma, Texas, and other red states have continued the process they began by passing the most punitive anti-abortion bans in the US.

You are watching the death of American democracy and destruction of human rights in real time, not some future event but a slow death from many evil fascist cuts! These are occurring because the fascists now in control are immoral monsters, complete hypocrites who promote evil practices over people’s justifiable rights. How sad it is that the election results show that’s what a majority of Americans wanted, as slim as it was (no mandate there!), the destruction of our democracy! The country will never recover from these attacks. And I thank the good Lord that I won’t live long enough to see America in its agonizing death throes!

So, Happy Thanksgiving! It might be America’s last!