Inspector General for SCOTUS?

Don’t count on it! The four fascist SCOTUS judges will torpedo that initiative as fast as Clarence Thomas can refuse to recuse himself from cases involving people from whom he’s received gifts. People don’t respect SCOTUS judges much now: They’ve gone to the dark side of the political spectrum aka Fascism (yes, with a capital F!) like many politicians in the US House and Senate, aping (with their knuckles dragging) what that “f^%$ing moron” did during his four horrible years as president.

Inspector Generals are used to oversee areas of government that don’t receive much oversight. SCOTUS is that government body most in need of oversight. The judges recently adopted watered-down ethics rules that basically say that each judge oversees his own activity! Huh? If I prepared a glass of Jameson that watered down, most people would probably toss it down the drain as dirty water!

SCOTUS badly needs its own independent Inspector General. These judges can basically do anything they want short of murder without oversight. This lack is a huge problem, maybe not historically, but now with the current crop of fascist SCOTUS judges, anything can happen. We can’t trust them!

Who reins in those SCOTUS judges now? No one. Remember, they’re nominated by the highest-ranking politician in the US, not for their legal wisdom and purity of spirit to know right from wrong, but for their cultural and political positions. The person who nominates them has a term limit; they do not. If they’re a complete disaster, the only recourse is impeachment. Otherwise, we’re stuck with them as long as they live unless they resign or die—there’s no age limit either. Because they can do what the hell they want both on the bench and in their private lives (they really could kill someone on NYC’s Fifth Avenue and get away with it), we need both a strong ethics code that they should follow and a strong Inspector General to enforce it. Otherwise, the republic is in danger as these fascist judges laugh all the way to the bank and destroy American democracy.

The Chief Justice worries that Americans don’t trust SCOTUS? He damn well better worry! Juntas with absolute power by any name can be overthrown by an angry public who are sick and tired of fascist decrees and exploitation. American democracy is no longer respected in the US or the world. SCOTUS is one very important reason for that!

Think about this during your Thanksgiving festivities. No, better not! You’ll get indigestion as you contemplate how the US of A will end. And remember in your prayers before the feast that God helps those who help themselves. People of good will must act.