Is George Santos unemployable?

Now that 03 NY-Representative and Good Ole Piranhas’ wunderkind George Santos has been expelled from the House, do you feel sorry for this sociopathic moron? Besides the twenty-plus federal charges against him, his many lies have made him the most infamous ex-politician in America right now, almost as much as the Piranhas’ fuehrer, that “f^%$ing moron,” although the latter holds the record for political lies, according to the Washington Post’s continuing tally. If you’re lamenting that few House members feel sorry for George, even among the Piranhas, you will be happy to know that the top three Piranhas in the House voted against expulsion. That obviously says all sorts of bad things about the Piranhas’ leadership in general voters should remember for 2024. 

New bits of Santos’s “alternate facts” that I learned include the claim that he made his first million quite a while ago, that he produced the Spiderman musical, that he lost some employees in the Pulse nightclub massacre, and that he’ll surely be on “Dancing with the Stars.” The last might lead to the title-question if he asks to be paid for his dancing: How will poor George make a living now? Will he have to live in a homeless shelter in NYC because he’s unemployable? Will he return to Brazil (good riddance, George!) to scam another relative like he did to his grandmother (why he fled that country so quickly, I suppose, even though he was probably close to that ex-leader of Brazil who might have been willing to protect him at the time, right?).

Here’s my suggestion for poor George: He should do some brown-nosing with the Piranhas’ fuehrer, that infamous orange man who loves obsequious employees, even insists on it (not to be confused with a Northern Ireland Protestant, by the way—he’s not at all religious and might just be a warlock and the Devil’s slave because he held that Bible upside down)—and help that “f&^%ing moron” create more lies because that more infamous narcissistic sociopath is becoming senile and needs all the help he can get to compete more effectively in the 2024 campaign and get beyond that thirty percent of brainless dolts who faithfully follow him. Hell! George could be the moronic candidate’s best VP candidate. He’d outshine old Pence because George knows less about America’s  Constitution than a cockroach. (Of course, he claims to know everything and has tweeted attacks on his fellow NY colleagues among the Piranhas.)

Yes, maybe we should start a grassroots campaign, “George Santos for Piranhas VP!” I’d love to see a debate between George and Kamala, not that Americans pay any attention to those VP debates. It could be a lot more fun than watching Biden trounce you-know-who, someone who can’t and won’t debate at all and will be completely out of practice by the time the 2024 debates arrive…and just as senile as Biden or even more so.

I call on all the Good Ole Piranhas to contact the RNC, Koch Enterprises, and other traditional Piranhas’ moneybags in support of the “Narcissist le Grand & Le Petit” presidential ticket. It will b a winner in 2024…at least for laughs!