Keeping the “Big Lie” going…

I had to laugh when the “fraudit” in Arizona’s Maricopa county found more than ninety more votes for Biden and more than two-hundred less for Trump  It was also amused because Arizona had spent a lot of state donors’ funds (millions) to pacify the fuehrer, Narcissus le Grand. That Crazy Chump even lauded the auditors just before the results were announced, and then he took that praise down from his website. What a “f^%$ing moron!” (That’s a Rex Tillerson quote, by the way, showing that some Good Ole Piranhas can say something worthwhile on occasion…rarely.)

So…Narcissus le Grand aka Trump continues looking for votes helped by Texas’s fascist governor, Greg Abbott, who’s launching an audit in four districts in his Loco Lone Star state. Moreover, Goebbels Greg has hired the three-day AG from PA John Scott as Texas Secretary of State (he tried to prove the Chump won PA) to make sure all future voting in Texas favors the Good Ole Piranhas, including Trump the Chump in 2024. But let’s consider that first atrocity a bit more to see what a Nazi Abbott is: If you say, “Wait! Didn’t the Chump win Texas?” Yeah, pardner, he sure did, but only one of the four counties the Texas audit will consider; the other three, the most populous in the Loco Lone Star State, went for…hold your baited breath…Joe Biden! Can’t have that, and John Scott will make sure it never happens again!

Why is this auditing still going on? Better yet, why is Narcissus le Grand still getting away with telling the “Big Lie”? For a simple nefarious reason: Trump an his fascist minions are out to destroy American democracy! More specifically, they’re trying to destroy Americans’ faith in the electoral system so that when a Dem wins in 2022 or 2024, they can call “Fowl!” But will anyone listen to them now or then?

Narcissus le Grand tried to set those expectations in 2020: “The only way I’ll lose is if the election is rigged.” Hmm. The election wasn’t rigged. Biden even won Georgia, and then Dems won the Senate because Trump gave lackadaisical support to the two fascist GOP senators there, being a lot more intent on finding more votes. (Say, that was as illegal as hell! Why isn’t he now in jail for that?) Trump turned out to be the Biggest Loser in the history of modern elections as the Piranhas lost the White House and Senate and didn’t regain the House. The Chump caused that. Why hasn’t he been booted out of the Piranhas club?

It’s too damn bad neither impeachment trial went against Il Duce (he of the imperious scowl). He should never be allowed to run for any office ever again. In fact, this narcissistic psychopath (mental health professionals have determined that diagnosis, his own niece among them) deserves to be in a straitjacket and locked up in a padded cell. General Milley and others were afraid he’d start a war; Il Duce had the nuclear football after all. (I said that when he was running in 2015. Yes, ordinary blokes like me can determine when a politician is certifiably crazy too. I have a long list of Good Ole Piranhas and a small one if Dems as well.)

It’s time to throw Trump the Chump into the cesspool of failed autocrats. Until we do that, we must be vigilant. Picking off his collaborators one by one—Steve Bannon practically organized the January 6th insurrection for Il Duce—is a good start. But maybe Dems should keep the bloviating and blathering Il Duce around? He’s single-handedly destroying the GOP. That’s probably a good thing!