Let’s not give fascists a platform!

[Note from Steve: This is not a post-mortem of Tuesday night’s debate. Read mine or someone else’s if you haven’t already (hopefully, the latter’s an honest one). Whatever was said at the debate by either candidate was far too abbreviated to understand their policy differences; i.e., Harris’s serious policies for the future of America versus Donald Jackass Trump’s BS that will destroy America. Here I’m analyzing something that’s under-analyzed: Media coverage of politics. Read on if you’ve had your second morning cup of joe….]


Traditional newspapers struggle so much now that some will publish just about anything dealing with scandals, violent crime, and political opinion pieces to see their rags’ sales figures improve. The most recent example isn’t an article from the NY Post; it’s an op-ed written by fascist Sen. Lindsay Graham published in the NY Times, at one time a fine example of responsible journalism. (I still read the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal, ignoring the editorial page of the Journal, of course.) The Times has “all the news fit to print”? BS! Graham’s fascist opinions aren’t even worth considering now. (Use that op-ed page to line your bird cage!)

I used to try to understand conservatives. (I once kept up with Bill O’Reilly’s yammers, for example. Never Tucker Carlson’s BS, of course!) In fact, even in these pages (even though my political blog is relatively new compared to my author’s blog), I’ve argued that true conservatives are needed to balance the exuberance of progressives who often are blind to the possible unintended consequences of their policy proposals. Let’s consider the FPA’s. (That’s the “Fascist Party of America,” what the GOP has become after Donald Jackass Trump’s take-over of that party of Lincoln—old Abe, who never told a lie, must be asking God to strike Trump dead with a lightning bolt, because Narcissus le Grand averages a lie about every two minutes, and that number’s low for him only because the rest of the time he’s saying how great he is!) The FPA no longer can claim to be a conservative party balancing a progressive one. Fascism isn’t an ideology, and fascists aren’t politicians but tyrants; they’re as much fanatics as the Ayatollah is! The FPA now has been completely taken over by fascists like Graham who either backed Narcissus le Grand from the start or back him now. True conservatives, fed up with that fascist takeover, will either not vote for anyone or will vote for Harris (John McCain’s son and Liz Cheney and her father are the most recent examples—while McCain has seen the light, Liz and her father are definitely not progressive, not even middle-of-the road liberals, but they can’t stand the idea of seeing DJT in the White House again, plotting to destroy American democracy!) The reasons are probably varied, but “never Trump” is the predominant one. A true conservative can’t stand that fascist SOB. The Donald makes mockery of the Constitution, he insults veterans, and he’s a pervert who doesn’t respect women’s rights.

Like many of the world’s autocratic and fascist leaders, Narcissus le Grand shares one characteristic that trumps (the pun is intentional) all others: He’s a sociopath. (A psychotic sociopath, to be precise.) It’s all about him! He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about other people, especially if they’re unwilling to kiss his fat butt—what he defines as “loyalty”; his preferred people are those who want to make him rich.. (Maybe they think he’ll make them rich? How stupid can they be?) That isn’t political! It’s a gangster mentality common to Maduro, who claims to be a communist, as well as Putin, who stopped claiming that as soon as he got rid of Yeltsin, and all those other leaders who internationally support America’s wannabe fuehrer.

By providing a bully pulpit for fascists like Graham who support the aspiring Il Duce and his quest to be a president-for-life like his heroes Putin and Xi, the NY Times and other once-respected newspapers aren’t practicing bipartisan reporting. Instead, they’re coddling fascists who want to destroy American democracy.