As if that “f%$#ing moron” wasn’t enough of a threat to the country, those fascist Good Ole Piranhas have motivated his major idiotic acolytes to not only pucker up and kiss his butt but spew utter nonsense that even reliable media outlets try to follow because what they say is so damn absurd. As if we need more proof of Peter’s Principle (i.e., people rise to the level where they’re completely incompetent…especially in the MAGA universe), from Narcissus le Grand and the six biased, criminally insane, and incompetent fascist SCOTUS judges all the way down to those many far-right local fascists who make a mockery of states’ rights, the FPA’s members (Fascist Party of America aka Good Ole Piranhas) are also working hard for retribution against anyone who disagrees with them (Bannon just made such a pronouncement, echoing the FPA’s threats from their Il Duce, of course) in their MACF-plan for America (that’s “Make America Completely Fascist” for the acronymically challenged).
All too often, though, what they say makes any sane person’s head spin. (Yes, Virginia, there are still some sane people left in America!) Where that happens consistently is with the FPA’s Motor-Mouth Marjorie Taylor Greene (that last name should be “Red,” of course)! She received her fascist soap-box in the US House when two FPA Speakers of the House tried to placate her and her Nazi-style cohorts like Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, and a handful of other extreme far-right radicals who have consistently attempted to prevent anything positive ever being done in the House. She’s a complete moron like her lord and master, but she still can easily fill those hallowed halls with fascist and obnoxious blather and twaddle that spews from her lips when they’re not spending time kissing her master moron’s bum.
Motor-Mouth Marjorie’s latest obnoxious and sick sitdown-comedy act was her attempt to take Dr. Fauci’s degree away from him! Of course, that was only a small part of another total waste of time, aka a House committee hearing run by the FPA’s House majority. Hmm…. What’s the score now? Is a new record coming? The total waste of time will add up to a lot more if after November America’s voters have allowed the FPA to have the House majority again!
Motor-Mouth Marjorie is safe in her district, though, even if the FPA becomes the House minority. Her MAGA district’s voters love this idiot because they’re as stupid as she is! I know their type well: They’d rather have Congress create no legislation at all than approve anything that the evil opposition, those evil socialistic Dems, supports. Their lord and master, that “f&^%ing moron,” told them that was how to proceed with immigration reform, so, led by their fascist House leader, the dishonorable and terribly ineffective Speaker Johnson, the best reform bill of immigration policy in decades was killed. Why? Because Il Duce wanted to use it as a campaign issue! It’s a travesty to write that off simply as “dirty politics,” because it’s far worse than that. Ukraine might fall because of a late approval, thanks to Motor-Mouth Marjorie et al, who wanted to support Putin and kill aid to Ukraine, and that would be a similar travesty. The dominant principle for the FPA here and always: Do anything they possibly can to destroy democracy in the US and the world!
Admittedly, I can’t criticize Motor-Mouth Marjorie’s positions on important issues too much. She only blathers about something if she can criticize it; her negativism defines her. First, unlike Fauci and many other responsible leaders, even from the previous administration, she just isn’t smart enough to recognize important issues and act on them positively. Second, when she speaks, intelligent people often automatically tune out because they know nothing worthwhile will ever be said by her. Her mind is one place where the maxim “Nature abhors a vacuum” doesn’t apply. Shooting her between the eyes as a US traitor, which she and all FPA members are, wouldn’t accomplish much because the rounds would just rattle around in that nearly perfect vacuum—and it’s not clear that even that would even shut her up!
But we all can learn something from brainless Motor-Mouth Marjorie: With fascists in the US Congress moving this slow in going after such “evil men” as Dr. Fauci (how long has he been retired?), Home Sec Mayorkas, and President Biden’s son and brother (no comparison there with DJT, the first ex-president who’s a convicted felon!), there’s at least a chance that their master plan to destroy American democracy will take such a long time due to their incompetence that they might eventually fail. In other words, we can generally conclude that fascism is not an efficient form of government because fascists in general are too stupid to know what they’re doing or too slow to go about doing it. Of course, the FPA could always practice their doublespeak and redefine “smart” to mean “someone who supports the FPA.” Motor-Mouth Marjorie would approve of that definition, I’m sure.
Better still, most Americans might come to their senses and realize that they don’t want such incompetent and fascist asses ruling their lives! If you’re someone who won’t heed that warning, that’s on you! You’ll get what you deserve unless you also kiss the butt of the FPA’s dictator!