Politicizing the apolitical…

Governments—local, state, and national—are so politicized now that politicians spend all their time creating chaos and pointing fingers at the other side to blame them for it instead of solving the problems that need to be solved. Immigration reform is probably the worst example of this politically generated chaos.

President Biden will take the hit for immigration chaos, and some of that is deserved! Sure, fascist governors like Abbot and DeSantis are adding gasoline to the fire by busing immigrants to sanctuary cities, but Biden and his cronies fiddle as Rome burns. These cities don’t have the finances to take care of all those immigrants. Moreover, immigration is fundamentally a federal problem, not a state or local one. In other words, it’s Biden and Congress’s problem, and neither one has made a move to solve it. Of course, that’s the way MAGA maniacs and the Good Ole Piranhas want it. They want to create maximum chaos and then blame it all on the Dems in general and Biden in particular.

They’ve politicized what should be apolitical. Immigration reform has been needed for decades, and for decades people have made political points by accusing the opposition of doing nothing, which is true enough because the ones pointing the fingers make sure nothing can be done! While it’s probably the case that politicians are just too damn stupid to find solutions for pressing national problems—they’re mostly failed lawyers with a few failed doctors thrown into the mix—the American people and the immigrants are the ones who suffer from their ineptitude. Everyone wants to stick it to the other guy; no one actually wants to solve problems even if they were able to do so, which they’re obviously not.

Current praxis for governing is easy: Do nothing to solve problems—that’s too hard for feeble-minded pols—and make sure the other side gets the blame. Even better: Destroy everything you can and start all over and do it again. That last option just leads to more chaos, of course. Fiddling while Rome burns is mimicked over and over again around the world because skills in governing have always played second fiddle to those who are addicted to the chaos drug because of their thirst for power, riches, and exploitation of the governed. That’s a blind addiction, though, by people like far-right fascists Abbot and congressional MAGA maniacs as well as far-left progressives who think that power and riches should be shared equally by all, even though many don’t do the work to earn them.

The US needs workers; let the immigrants work with temporary work permits! Solve the DACA problem; these people are better citizens than any congressional stooge sitting in the US House or Senate. End amnesty and reinstate country quotas; people are coming here without trying to solve problems in their own countries, which we can help with. Establish a uniform judicial praxis to handle immigrants so that MAGA judges, or any judges with a political axe to grind, can’t legislate from the bench. Etc. Etc.

I’m not paid to solve these problems. Our three branches of government have bureaucrats and pols who are paid to solve them but don’t. That has to stop or this country will go down in flames, from a lack of immigration reform and other solutions to society’s problems. Let’s make the pols earn their salaries! Let’s make them truly responsible and demand they do something positive for a change! If a congress person makes politics and not solutions, strip them of their committee assignments—they don’t deserve them if they do nothing! Bold new rules are needed to come up with viable solutions to the nation’s problems before it’s too late. Or is it too late already?