Saudi Arabia…

Before the month ends and most people forget about 9/11, I thought it would be worthwhile to remind everyone who the real culprits were in that nefarious attack. It’s very unlikely that the Biden administration won’t release much of anything about Saudi Arabia’s involvement in 9/11. US administrations, Democratic and Republican alike, have long considered Egypt and Saudi Arabia our friends in the Middle East. Obviously we need some other ones besides Israel, with that country’s turn to the far-right, but I’ll never be okay with some of our so-called Arab “friends,” especially Saudi Arabia. All are relics from the Middle Ages for the most part, and some are tolerable, like Jordan, Kuwait, and Qatar, but never the Saudis!

Of all the duplicitous nations that the US has to deal with, Saudi Arabia is most likely the most dangerous. MBS is the typical bloodthirsty, fascist tyrant (do you need any more evidence than his butchering of Khashoggi?), but Saudi Arabia has always been a false friend. 9/11 wouldn’t have occurred without Saudi Arabia.

There in that kingdom from the Dark Ages, clerics teach Muslims to hate America. (Okay, they teach them to hate anyone who’s not Muslim, Americans in particular, Muslims or not.) These activities are hidden in the many “religious schools.” Both the PRNK and Iran are more honest about their hatred for Americans; the forked-tongued Saudis pretend to be our friends. Sure, they pulled the wool over the eyes of that “f&^%ing moron,” appealing to Narcissus le Grand’s infinite vanity, but any sane person knows a pat in the back with a knife in the other hand (the one used on Khashoggi?) is evidence for serious duplicity.

So many Arab countries are despotic and live in the Dark Ages, often ruled by royalty—emirs, clerics, sultans, and kings—who put on the trappings and use the tech of the West They keep their citizens in squalor and poverty while they enjoy the rich life, exploiting those foreign brother Muslims basically as slaves. Some are so rich with their oil that they can share the spoils a bit, but you know who gets the biggest percentage of the oil riches. Makes you wonder what will happen when the oil wells dry up…or everyone stops using fossil fuels (as they should!) because of climate-change concerns. Exploiting SOBs can only exploit for so long before people rise up and take down the exploiters (hopefully sooner than later).

Like so many religions, Islam gives Arabia’s fascist governments an undeserved legitimacy as they justify their tyranny by stating they’re doing Allah’s work. BS! Scratch a fanatical Muslim, or any religious fanatic (there are plenty in the US), and you’ll just find another fascist, someone who says, “My way or now way!” Religion often reduces to just a poor excuse for all kinds of exploitation and violence.

There’s no religion that justifies violence perpetrated against innocents. And I don’t doubt that Saudis were complicit on 9/11! Most of the high-jacking terrorists were Saudis. And we were witnesses when the rich Saudi students in the Boston area fled ASAP back to their home country even as the fires from the WTC towers still smoldered. They figured we’d be just like those Saudi terrorists and take revenge against them. That’s the Muslim fanatic mindset and the mindset of the Saudis: Kill innocents and run like cowards.

We should sever all relations with terrorism-sponsoring countries. Period. We must continue the good fight against evil and its sponsors, whether they’re present in our homeland or abroad. We will probably lose the battle that’s waging on so many fronts, but it’s our duty to continue the good fight against evil. And Saudi Arabia is a monstrous example of that evil!