Slavery was good?

Now that Ron DeSantis’s campaign has imploded, showing his true ineptitude, we can reflect on his mistakes; they go back a long ways. He’s managed to show that he’s even dumber than that “f^%$ing moron,” which is saying a lot.

But what else is new in the Good Ole Piranhas aka the Fascist Party of America? They can’t govern and have been sliding into the fascist abyss since Nixon, with other small-time fuehrers like Reagan, Gingrich, and others speeding the fall.

But I digress. One dumb-ass statement from DeSantis tells anyone who’s somewhat sane that DeSantis belongs in a straitjacket and locked in a padded cell: He promoted the idea that slavery was good! You don’t have to be Black to know that proves what DeSantis has instead of brains!

Ron dove into the cultural waters so deeply that he drowned, but this statement represents how some fascists create revisionist history to make something terrible look good. The next thing you know, he or some other Floridian fascist will be saying that the 100 degree water off Florida’s coast is good for coral reefs and tourism. (Ron never decided to tell us whether global warming is part of “wokeness”.)

The Founding Fathers started out on a high note with their claim that all men are created equal, but then they denied that by stating that slaves only counted as fractions of men. It’s taken us two centuries to get beyond the Founding Fathers’ contradictory statements about slavery—Washington and Jefferson were slaveowners, after all—and then DeSantis comes along to champion a hideous and dehumanizing institution by saying it was good for the slaves. What’s even worse, too many Piranhas actually believe these revisiontist statements!

Here’s what everyone should ask Ron, not that it matters anymore: Would you like to be a slave working on a plantation in the pre-1860s’ South so you could have all the advantages they received? Or, if DeSantis’s campaign still mattered, we could ask this fascist sage: Would you like to be a Black in America during the first decades of the 21st century, especially in the state of Florida or any other red state? (The blue states can be bad too, of course.)

Too many minorities in America are enslaved by their pasts, presents, and futures, mentally and often physically. In the US, people’s success and opportunities all too often depend on their skin color and religion, in some red states like Florida more than others. Ron wanted the white master race to pat the people in these suffering minorities on the head and congratulate them for contributing to the whites’ well-being. That’s just a benign form of 1930s’ Nazism.

You can bet that the Piranhas’ current fuehrer Donald J. Trump, who more than likely will be the party’s candidate in 2024 even if he’s sitting in jail, hated Obama more than anything because Obama was a successful Black. What are DeSantis’s feelings toward Obama? Maybe that he should have learned a few more things about being successful as a slave? By saying that anything concerning slavery is good, DeSantis came close to promoting it. That’s red meat for the white supremacists, racists, bigots, and far-right Christians of course who support the Fascist Party of America.

Notice for Ron, the Donald, and other American fascists: Getting far-right psychos to vote for you does not create a win in a general election! It won’t even win in primary elections in purple states as 2022 showed.

If the Piranhas remain enchanted with fascism and revisionist history in 2024, they will become irrelevant in American politics as the Dems take the presidency and both houses of Congress. At this moment, that’s almost guaranteed, even with DeSantis out of the race, just because the Fascist Party of America belongs to that “f^%$ing moron”!