There was no landslide! There is no mandate!

The fascist fuehrer of the FPA (“Fascist Party of America” once known as the Republican Party), Donald Jackass Trump, and all his fascist sycophants would like Americans to believe there was and is. Like most of the crap spewing from the mouth of that “f&^%ing moron,” these claims are lies…or, to use Narcissus le Grands… Continue reading There was no landslide! There is no mandate!

The champion of all political liars…

When all the chaos of the 2024 elections ends, one way or the other, a new national award should be created: The US Pinocchio Medal with Donald Jackass Trump’s face sporting a long nose on the front and an American eagle on the back stabbing him in—what else?—his fat butt. That’s the only medal that… Continue reading The champion of all political liars…