Thank you, NY Times!

On February 26, 2024, you revealed to Russia where Ukraine’s military nerve century is hidden! You’ve exposed a decade-long collaboration between the US’s CIA and the Ukrainian freedom fighters!

Why would you do such a thing? Ukraine is having a hard enough time just trying to survive from attacks by the fascist Putin lovers in the US House. Why are you making it worse for them?

Talk about being our own worse enemy! Playing fast and loose with US military secrets is despicable no matter who does it! But if that venerable bastion of liberal journalism commits treason, we can be certain that democracy is in trouble, if only because demagogues, tyrants, and fascist monsters here in the US and abroad are applauding the Times. Obviously the Times will do anything to sell papers just like any other rag on the news stand, even news not “fit to print” for security reasons.

“Two wrongs don’t make a right!” my old man used to say to my older brother and me. In this case it’s three, and the Times’s contribution is complete hypocrisy considering how they’ve gone after Trump for divulging national defense secrets and exposing US operatives and foreign assets. The Times has stooped to doing the same thing!

Of course, neither action is justified. Neither was Biden’s when he told a reporter to peruse the classified documents in Biden’s garage, Biden being the third transgressor in this sad story of treasonous actions. (There are four if you count Pence.) While Biden didn’t obstruct justice and the Times still has a chance to avoid doing so, so far the latter’s actions aren’t nearly as egregious as Trump’s…but damn it! National secrets and US operatives and assets should never be publicly revealed until they’re considered unclassified. And if any arses in the Pentagon say that what the Times revealed is unclassified, I want to hear what Zelenskyy and his military people say! What a gift to the Russian war effort the Times has give Putin!

Autocracies have worked against democracies in stealth mode for decades. (In Prequel, Rachel Maddow shows that Hitler’s agents were very busy in the US long before that fascist monster declared war on the US shortly after Pearl Harbor!) The 2016 election was only a preview of what the 2024 election will be like, and AT&T’s software glitch will look like child’s play when Russian agents go after US infrastructure! We are too complacent, and the Times’s sins cannot help.

Democracies have to fight back in their homelands and overseas but without revealing their defensive maneuvers. They can’t do that effectively if idiots like Biden, Trump, and the Times’s reporters and staff believe this is all a joke and willingly commit treason with their revelations. The US and Ukraine have enough problems with the US’s internal fascists who openly attack our democracies; we don’t need to help those idiots who give our secrets away. I can’t say that any more strongly: Anyone who gives secrets away is a traitor to democracy and should be tried for treason!