The American Taliban…

After seeing that the far-right SCOTUS judges bloviate about the Mississippi anti-abortion law, I decided I was wrong about them: they’re more than fascists; they’re the American Taliban.

I had similar thoughts when I then listened to Mississippi’s moronic governor on CNN’s “State of the Union.” There’s a man who belongs in Afghanistan because that misogynist holier-than-thou SOB would feel right at home among that country’s new rulers who trample on women’s rights in the name of religion.

The irony about these American Taliban here in the US is that they want to make gun laws even more lax so more people can get killed. Never mind the obvious hypocrisy in pushing right-to-life policies for unborn children while allowing thousands of Americans to die from gun violence every year, the recent massacre in Michigan just the most recent one of born children getting killed.

I just don’t understand how some women can support these American Taliban unless they’re as enslaved as much as the Taliban women. My only clue is that they’re as fanatic as their enslavers. When you consider the fascist subculture of the South in the US, most notably among Christian fundamentalists, women only know a Taliban-like life where old men completely control their lives, either through brainwashing or threats. Religion is only a tool for total domination.

America would be a far better place if all these American Taliban and their women just moved to Afghanistan and left the sane people in this country alone. Most Americans support women’s rights, and that includes reproductive rights, so deporting the American Taliban to Afghanistan could improve things considerably.