The six SCOTUS fascist judges should recuse themselves…

Alito should at least recuse himself from the case about the president’s absolute immunity, as well as from any other case having to do with the January 6, 2021 attempted coup! Maybe all six fascist SCOTUS judges should do the same! But judges don’t have to be honest and unbiased now, do they? They have carte blanche to be dishonest and biased! They have no ethics rules!

I didn’t need that upside-down flag to realize that Alito is a complete fascist! (Forget his wife who he dares to blame. He’s just using her as a scapegoat because he got caught!) His and Thomas’s ethics violations have made the news, but I’m sure the other SCOTUS fascists have their own ethics violations as well. Yeah, I know: SCOTUS has no ethics rules! So they can all do what they damn please. (Not even the US president can do that…not yet! Il Duce will show he’s dictator if he wins the 2024 election and does that.) The SCOTUS judges are not elected, so the people’s only recourse is to impeach the bastards.

Greed and power drive all fascists to commit crimes and/or support those who do, and those six SCOTUS judges, with Alito leading the charge, are no exception. They are just as culpable as any January 6 insurgent. They are addicted to their power and suck up to the two men who gave it to them, Trump and McConnell, using the lack of control the voting public has over them to wield their power and feed their greed.

Those six remind me of that far-right Argentine junta that ran that South American country back in the seventies, creating an authoritarian regime with the help of the US’s CIA. Only this version of an evil and fascist junta in SCOTUS needs no CIA support! They can create their own laws and execute them by proxy as if they were above Congress people and anyone in the White House. In brief, they have far too much power in our country!

Samuel Alito is an evil fascist with brains, the Captain Hook who believes he and his fellow fascist judges are in command of the ship of state; Clarence Thomas is Smee, his willing but stupid accomplice! And the other four are the crew. Their wives get into the act too, channeling Tinkerbell at her worst and providing a scapegoat their husbands can pass the blame to instead of manning up to their criminal and ethical lapses.

They’re all on a mission to destroy American democracy and turn the US into a fascist state! I have no respect for this fascist sextet of judges, but then I’ve never had any respect for any fascist, from the lowliest and most stupid MAGA maniac to that “f&^%ing moron” who wants to be their fuehrer. How could anyone who loves democracy have respect for these oafs?

Will Alito, Thomas, and the four other fascist SCOTUS judges recuse themselves from the case, or will they say that the US president can become an absolute monarch and rule the US with impunity? They should recuse themselves, of course, but I wouldn’t bet on their doing it! They in fact should recuse themselves from anything involving that attempted coup, but I know they won’t. They didn’t recuse themselves in the decision to rollback Roe v. Wade, even though the six’s religious biases required a recusal there as well! Whether it’s fidelity to an absolute monarch, contrary to what the Founding Fathers wanted (in modern terms, a fascist dictator), or to some religious figure like the Pope, Franklin Graham, Netanyahu, or the Ayatollah, they opt for unethical behavior and taking away people’s rights (and that’s putting it nicely). I no longer have any respect for SCOTUS as an institution because of these judges nor for any decisions that court might make. They’re willing accomplices in the plan to destroy our democracy and should be impeached!