Why we might need a civil war…

The recent “leaked” decision-draft from SCOTUS to overturn fifty years of women’s rights illustrates the problem: States’ rights, an excuse for fascism. The Good Ole Piranhas use them to further their fascist agendas, and those five SCOTUS judges signing that draft, fascists themselves, are their willing accomplices. The United States isn’t united’ and Moscow Mitch McConnell, to counteract the majority will of the people, has created a fascist court system that ignores majority rule. Federalism dies as fascism goes uncontrolled.

Moscow Mitch revealed his skunk-stripes recently in three ways: First, he focused on the leak, not the fact that SCOTUS in Alito’s draft is obviously ignoring precedent and that Trump’s three new judges perjured themselves at their hearings. The X-Files warning should always be the Dems’ and American people’s motto: Trust no one! (That warning goes for the GOP senators from Alaska and Maine as well, of course, who believed Trump’s nominees.) We certainly can’t trust any of the Good Ole Piranhas at any level, national, state, or local. Moscow Mitch has even supported “replacement theory” by refusing to deny it recently. Of course, we all know that the GOP is the White Supremacists Nazi Party of America! They have black turncoats like Clarence Thomas brainwashed, but what will happen to any non-white person when the US becomes the Fascist States of America? And Moscow Mitch’s third sin is that he, along with all his fascist cronies, refuses to consider common-sense gun control because fascists love their guns! No civilian should have the right to own a military-style weapon. Period. The US is the antithesis of every developed country when it comes to gun control.

The big picture the fascists paint goes far beyond Roe v. Wade, replacement theory, and gun control, of course. America’s fascists want more power and are willing to divide the country to get it. They’re all “f%$#ing morons” like Il Duce Trump and stupidly think that blue states will continue to subsidize the red ones as we spiral down into that cesspool of fascism. (McConnell’s Kentucky receives more federal aid than any blue state, and its citizens, basically on the federal dole, pay far less taxes.)

More and more there seems to be only one viable option: Divide the country. Let’s see if the Fascist States of America aka red states can survive all by themselves without the blue states subsidizing them! Also, let’s end this entire states’ rights discussion. While the FSA can do anything it wants as they try to go it alone (the blue states will have to keep the nukes, of course, but they can’t be trusted to not use them), the blue states can become one strong, unitrd country where all rights are respected and no region nor group can impose its will or beliefs on another.

Such a “civil war” would only be necessary if the FSA tries to resist that by declaring war on the blue states. That’s when we turn their vaunted “right to bear arms” against them!

This isn’t a far-left Anti-Fa idea; it’s a survivalist idea that will save what’s good in America and throw out the garbage and quarantine fascism as the sickness it is! The FSA can have all that’s bad, but we shouldn’t let them impose their insane fascist creeds on decent people.

Will it come to this? It might have to in order to save the healthy part of America and the rest of the world. We might just have to use the fascists’ guns against them! In any case, it would be like extirpating a cancerous tumor. I can’t imagine any democracy elsewhere in the world admiring a completely fascist America!

But let’s see what the midterms bring….