Yes, Trump’s a traitor!

In so many ways, fascist Putin-lover Donald Jackass Trump is a traitor to his country who deserves to be shot by a firing squad for his treasonous actions! There were enough sins, evil, and illegal acts to justify that death sentence just during his first term n office; and now, with the war against Putin where the jackass has sided with that Russian monster, and the tariffs’ war against some of our traditional allies, one can only ask: Does this SOB have any shame?

I’m sure I’m like many of my compatriots: I’m ashamed to be an American right now because so many foreigners will now hate us. We’re guilty by association. True, the “fucking moron” won the 2024 election (but not the 2020 one!), but that “win” was neither a mandate nor a landslide. About half of American voters still hate Trump, but that doesn’t matter now. Enough fools voted for him to return him to the Oval Office where he’s now busily destroying democracy and freedom in the world!

The US can no longer be called the leader of the so-called free world, thanks mostly to this jackass. Our American leaders have shamefully chosen to side with autocrats and dictators. For this SOB, there are only three countries worth the attention of his feeble fascist and sociopathic pea-brain: China, Russia, and the US. Now we’re part of that triad, that axis of evil in the world. For the jackass, every other country is just another one of those “shithole countries” and fair game for a takeover by one of those three!

That’s the jackass’s foreign policy in a nutshell! What’s his domestic policy? Reverse Robinhood! Do I need to spell that out, or have you seen enough of the Trump-Musk circus to know what it means? America’s consumers end up paying for tariffs, period, and those are laughed off by our enemies and cause them and even our allies to strike back when they’re levied. The jackass is too stupid to realize that! Canada has countered Trump’s tariffs with equal tariffs of their own. And you can bet all cooperation with the US will end; same for Mexico.

On another domestic front, tax breaks for Trump’s fascist oligarchs will be paid for by cuts to entitlements, breaking a social contract with Americans that has helped them since the New Deal (which is why the Fascist Party of America hates them despite the opinions of their constituents); first on the chopping block, Medicaid. The FPA’s fascists will get richer while the middle class and poor will not get the help they need and die, effectively a milder form of euthanasia equivalent to Hitler’s ovens (Trump is the American Hitler, of course).

That’s the awful headlines of Trump’s policies. I’ve been saying ever since the jackass traipsed down that Trump Tower’s escalator to announce his first campaign for president that America looks too much like 1930s Germany. His very motto, “Make America Great Again!”, is a Nazi-like slogan; and American lemmings swallowed whole all this mad monster’s lies, their numbers growing as they rushed to follow this pied piper over the precipice into the stinking cesspool of fascism.

Yes, I’m ashamed to be an American now, someone who might be guilty by association with all these fools who voted for this monster! I’m also ashamed that so many of my countrymen and women have become stupid fascists! I’m too old to move elsewhere, if there’s any safe place left in this world where fascism will not eventually reign supreme, but I can aver that I probably should have remained in Colombia long ago. America seems to be a lost cause and many of us would like to hide from that mad MAGA fascist crowd!

Will American idiots finally prove me wrong? Will they finally rise up and give Donald Jackass Trump what he and his evil henchmen deserve? I can only hope now that my fellow Americans, that 45% of Americans who voted for America’s fascist monster, will rise up to support democracy and freedom. The alternative is unthinkable!

But it can become worse, can’t it? The “fucking moron” and his evil minions are already talking about a third term. Why not? He’s even going after elements of the US Constitution! Are you watching as he shreds it before our very eyes? And the fascists in the US Congress and SCOTUS are ready to enable him. The future looks very dark and grim! May God help us…but I’m afraid all these fascists around the world prove that He has abandoned us! Fascism is the Devil’s creation; Donald Jackass Trump is his acolyte!

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