America is sick and dying…

Regardless of the midterm election results (I’m writing this on election day, but we won’t know all the results for several days—please be patient!), it’s obvious that America is suffering from that cancer pandemic that is afflicting most of the world, fascism. Any glimmers of hope that Dems find in the midterm elections are basically irrelevant. The election was about the economy only in the sense that the irrational and ineffective Trumpian policies for managing Covid and his lack of enthusiasm in defending Ukraine (to say the least because he kissed Putin’s ass), a fledgling democracy standing up against Putin and the fascist Russian Federation, all made an already disastrous pandemic and war become even more so as both caused terrible hits on fuel prices and supply chains around the free world. I’m no economist or expert on the global economy (although I probably understand just as much about it as Trump or any of his fellow fascist minions), so it gives me great pleasure to see a Nobel laureate like Paul Krugman echo my thoughts. In the op-ed “A MAGA America Would be Ugly” (NY Times opinion page, 11/8/2022), he goes beyond the lame “it’s the economy, stupid!” uttered by the FPA (that’s the Fascist Party of America, once known as the Republican Party) as an election slogan against the Dems. America is sick and dying, and he and I are smart enough to know why. Too many others don’t care and bury their heads in the sand, even among the Dems, and DJT’s MAGA maggots are doing everything to make it happen!

America is sick in many ways. The thirst for power and influence and evil greed among leaders in the FPA and their rich supporters drive both those who run our companies and those sycophantic politicos in the FPA who kiss their asses. (Trump is in both classes, of course, but that sociopath’s probably the dumbest among them.) The reasonable and logical debate and discussion between conservative and progressive ideologies has mostly been replaced by a uber-nationalistic fascism that has no ideology beyond gaining more power, influence, and wealth at the expense of American citizens. Bigotry, hatred, and religion are now used as clubs to attack anyone in America who dares to speak out or wants something better (and it will only get worse). While this could be how the world ends (as Krugman correctly points out, fascism’s inexorable march worldwide doesn’t bode well for the world’s future), I must assign a high probability to it being the way America ends. It’s on its deathbed. And if the world’s largest and once most successful democracy dies, so will the others!

America has never been a perfect example of democracy. Too many loopholes were built in at its founding that fascists can and have used to their benefit. Those venerated Founding Fathers were mostly aristocrats, some even slave owners, and they saddled the young republic with a lot of anti-democratic hurdles its citizens have to leap over to ensure its success despite the lofty idealism they often expressed. Those hurdles now haunt us: SCOTUS, the Senate, and the Electoral College were anti-democratic institutions to begin with, and still are; term and age limits in the first two were never put into place, and are sorely needed, if only to avoid a gerontocracy; those touted “freedoms” have become distorted and twisted by fascists who use them as tools of oppression; and states’ rights have allowed too many states to become meccas for fascism that go far beyond the simple administrative divisions states should be, and to become wrecking cranes that are destroying the country.

I see no obvious or easy solutions for all these problems and certainly not enough will to implement them if they even existed. That’s depressing. The 2022 midterms will be yet another nail for America’s coffin, if only because the FPA has fomented so much distrust in the electoral process that’s so essential for a healthy democracy. Electing that “f^%$ing moron” again in 2024 will surely give the FPA more nails so they can prepare the coffin for the nation that was once a unique guiding beacon for human rights and freedom in this sad world we seem bent on destroying.

President Biden claimed that we were at an “inflection point.” He was dead wrong! America has already gone over the precipice’s edge and is now in a freefall where it will soon crash on the sharp rocks of fascism that await it at the end of its fall. There might not be any body left to put into the coffin the FPA is busily constructing, but maybe that crash and sudden death is a better way to go than the slow death planned for it by both good and evil people who are indifferent to its sickness.

Why am I worried? For me personally, my life will end soon enough, so some would say I should just give a big shrug, repeat “What fools these mortals be!”, and accept America’s fate. Nations live and die just like the foolish citizens who live within their borders. But the death of our nation will terribly affect those younger than me, especially people I love like my family and friends; they will inherit a dark, fascist future of pain and suffering that will realize the worst imagined in every dystopian and post-apocalyptic novel ever written. All those warnings have been ignored! And it’s depressing for me to see our nation sick and dying and to not be able to do anything about it!