Midterm elections analysis, part one: Maybe a red ripple?

Phew! Many thought there would be red wave or tsunami (I was among them but a bit uneasy about it because so many FPA candidates were so flawed—not so dumb FPA leaders had the same qualms). Il Duce Trump and other MAGA maggots like Kevin “Mad” McCarthy, “Radical” Rick Scott, and others made that “red wave” prediction (“Moscow Mitch” McConnell was worried, though). While Georgia is still pending until December 6 (you can bet Dems will still shine a spotlight on that runoff with the absurd MAGA-maggot candidate “Wacko” Walker—fifty-one Dem senators are much better than fifty), and the FPA’s fallen fuehrer might ruin his candidate’s chances there again as he did in 2020 (being a sociopathic wannabe dictator, everything is about him), by and large the country at least temporarily came to its senses and rejected fascist extremism.

In fact, the Orange-Skinned Devil was the midterm elections’ biggest loser. He backed some thirty candidates, all willing 2020 election deniers, and every damned one of them lost! The most vocal of them, “Krazy” Kari Lake, was the last to fall ignominiously, although she’s now screaming about election fraud in her own election, of course, and will not concede. Maybe Trump the Chump will replace Pence with her on the 2024 ticket to seal his campaign’s fate like Palin sealed McCain’s. If the Il Duce-caused disaster of 2022 doesn’t disqualify Trump for 2024, i.e. make him toxic poison for the FPA, I don’t know what does, but those thirty million morons, who religiously support that “f&^%ing moron,” like lemmings, will probably follow him right over the precipice. And, of course, he blames everyone but himself for the 2022 debacle, including his wife Melania, not his uncanny ability to support flawed candidates who are big losers just like himself. That’s the big takeaway from this election cycle: Donald J. Trump is America’s biggest loser of all time!

Demonstrating his sociopathic narcissism yet again, DJT was calling his toady senators to pressure them into blaming McConnell for the FPA’s midterm election fiasco. Moscow Mitch saw this defeat possibly coming a while ago and warned his FPA (that’s the “Fascist Party of America,” its strongholds the FSA, the “Fascist States of America”) about Il Duce’s terrible candidates being foisted on the FPA’s voters. If there’s only one man to blame, it’s the Donald, a political loser who lost the popular vote in 2016, the House in 2018, both the popular and Electoral College vote in 2020, and the Senate in 2022. Moreover, the fascists he put on SCOTUS ensured that the majority of women in America hate him. (Those like Lake, Greene, and Boebert aren’t women–they’re screaming banshees from some old Halloween movie.)

You’d think the FPA’s members would have learned by now what a loser he is. (That adds to his “big loser” status in academia and business—why anyone can believe a man who’s declared bankruptcy six times is an astute businessman is beyond me!) It’s a clear sign of stupidity when you keep losing by doing the same thing over and over again!

It could have been much worse for the Dems, especially if you believed the polls. There’s so much chaos in American politics now that traditional polling methods all too often fail, so I no longer take them seriously. I realized they were questionable for the midterms when they indicated abortion wasn’t a major issue. Huh? After the results in solid-red Kansas and the many protests? Women’s rights are a major issue for women and also for many men! It turned out it was the second-ranked issue barely beaten out by the economy but not ranked far below.

Pundits on the left were knocking Biden and others for their last-minute messages about preserving democracy. I thought that was a good message albeit possibly a desperate one, voices crying in the fascist wilderness of national and international politics. Clearly it was a good one, standing Dem naysayers on their pointy coneheads. Many voters across the political spectrum, those tired of all the anti-democratic fervor seen among DJT’s MAGA-maggot hordes, rose up and smacked the fascists down. Again, voters proved the polls wrong, as well as Dem naysayers.

The most obvious conclusion is that the Good Ole Piranhas will continue to sail with that “f&^%ing moron” at their own peril, risking going down with Captain Hook’s immoral and perverted pirate ship. If the GOP wants to continue to be the FPA, they will kill that party. That seems to be okay with Lyin’ Ted, Golem Graham, Cowardly Josh, and other far-right jerks in the US Senate and far too many jerks in the US House. Will the Good Ole Piranhas ever return to being a sane conservative alternative to the sometimes insane progressives in America? (Like Trump, AOC and her little commie crew are blaming everyone but themselves.) I’m not holding my breath. Maybe the crazy fascists should, though, unless they want to start using gas masks as they kiss DJT’s ass. (Those gold toilets can only do so much.) Mad McCarthy and Moscow Mitch, are you listening?