I once thought that AOC might become a serious leader of a young progressive movement that could work to accomplish positive things for America’s middle class and poor. No more. She has come to represent just about everything I find despicable among the majority of the country’s politicians. For a mentally challenged ex-bartender, she gets far too much media attention. She represents a small far-left-leaning House district in NYC, yet in her arrogance pretends to speak for the entire country; she doesn’t, not even close to it! The only thing she’s really good at is grabbing headlines when she makes her inane and outrageous political and cultural pronouncements.

The most recent gaffe Miss Buttinski has uttered (the media is equally reprehensible for giving her the soapbox) was to call the marine who was trying to control a wild man on the NYC subway a murderer, wild in the sense of dangerously mental and threatening other MTA passengers. So AOC is now judge, jury, and punisher-in-chief? Or leader of the lynch mob?

Instead of thanking the marine for doing his civic duty and trying to control a bad situation—he was holding that dangerous wild man for the cops, after all—AOC has led the charge to turn this into a black-versus-white incident. Or a protest against veterans, which is even worse! Not even the mayor, who is black goes that far…yet, because the lynch-mob mentality championed by AOC may yet force the mayor to become Pontius Pilate. Activists with megaphones are screaming loud and clear that the mental case was a human who deserved to live. They don’t shout out the additional information that he’d been arrested over forty times. And wild man Neely’s lawyer—he represents the family, but they only showed up when there was money to be had, not when their relative needed their help—that lawyer put words in the ex-marine’s mouth that he never uttered, so the family lawyer is guilty of fomenting the lynch mob as well!

AOC goes on to attack the mayor for not arresting that civic-minded ex-marine, and incompetent Governor Hochul joins in the lynch mob’s chorus. I’m just waiting for Leticia James to pipe up and demand the marine’s arrest for murder as well.

None of those with the real megaphones—sane people are mum and watching the usual unjustified outrage of the far-left who are against law and order and a military that keeps us safe—or the ones in public office have bothered to shout out that all this happened mostly because America is neglecting mental illness. That so-called victim Mr. Neely should have been in a mental institution for the criminally insane, not ranting and raving and threatening people on the subway! But those mental institutions are the first to be axed by inept politicians, among them AOC, of course, who’d rather create chaos and disorder. (Has she ever accomplished anythng useful in Congress beyond preaching from the far-left soapbox. She’s not progressive at all; she’s obstructive!)

Improving mental health services should be championed by politicians, including AOC, but this immature twit with more of a mouth than a brain doesn’t even deserve to be called a politician, and she does not represent what this country needs to solve its problems. She wouldn’t know a solution unless it slapped her in the face! She has no time to legislate, poor thing, because she spends it all making her political points by fomenting the mob.

We don’t need extremist lightweights in American politics—neither far left nor far right. And a lot of people are getting tired of both! There’s work to be done, and the far left and the far right aren’t doing it.