While many lament the polarization now present in America right now (that lament is often accompanied by pointing fingers at the other side, or even violence), most analysts are unable see how this comes about in a democracy. It’s simple. Politicians must get votes, and the “best way” to do this now is to create a cult of personality. It’s like a chimp tribe choosing an alpha male and following him, often to the break-up of the tribe or even death. Human beings, at least those where logic and reason is trumped by irrational emotions, are similar to chimps.
We’ve adopted the term “populist” to describe an alpha male who is the chosen political leader in a human cult or tribe. But I like the terms “cult leader” or “tribal leader” better. Bernie Sanders created a cult of personality, and his acolytes like AOC are busy creating their own too. So did Donald J. Trump, although he’s the leader of several crazy tribes: Right-wing radicals, racists, bigots, Christian evangelicals, and conservative Catholics. All these point out a flaw in democracy, nationally and internationally, perhaps a fatal one!
Cults, cabals, power groups—whatever you want to call them—are modern versions of tribalism at the national political level. We don’t need more tribalism; we need less. That’s because human chimps can be manipulated to do what the tribal leaders want so easily. Ancient instincts prevail as humans become chimpanzees running amok.
Democracy cannot exist without compromise. Populist leaders lead by fiat, not by compromise, or try to, and the lack of compromise is sounding the death knell for our American democracy and others around the world. As popular as Sanders and Manchin might be in their home states (their tribal turf), they’re not willing to compromise on a national level for the good of the country. Today’s congress people often refuse to compromise now, using the excuse they’re only representing their constituents’ interests, their home tribes. In other words, their leadership of their local tribes can be prejudicial to the country and the world.
Another excuse often used is “democracy is messy.” That’s a pile of manure. It’s messy because of the cultish or tribal proclivities among human chimps. With compromise, everyone wins a bit and loses a bit, but people as a whole win because something good gets done. Not perfect, but a counter to President-for-Life Xi’s critique that democracy can’t work in the modern world because it’s too chaotic. Let’s prove Xi wrong. Indeed, let’s prove all the fascists in America wrong. If we don’t, American democracy will die, and America is doomed to become just another fascist state.