Fascism is like a cancer that often grows and metastasizes until it’s extirpated from a body politic. That was what occurred in the US and the world in the 1930s. “Only in Germany and Japan,” you say? No, no! Appeasers and like-minded fascists in the US along with Hitler’s agents, both foreign and domestic, worked hard to keep the US out of World War II until it would be too late, supporting the fascist and psychotic half-breed and his cohorts in their plan to take over European and other world democracies (Rachel Maddow, Prequel).
Now, one hundred years later, that cancer has returned to afflict US politics. Hitler has become Putin, and he and his cohorts want to restore that “evil empire” known as the Soviet Union, but, like Hitler, he also still has loving fans in the US, from titans of industry to federal court judges (thanks to Moscow Mitch, whose “legacy” could very well be the Fascist States of America!) and US senators and representatives, all the way down to governors, state legislators, mayors, and town council members.
The ”doctors” who’d we’d normally look to extirpate this cancer in the US are now mostly limited to voters; and the latter’s causes, often no more than ignorant and immature tantrums like the Palestinian-Americans’ anti-Semitic hate campaign in Dearborn and the Hamas lovers in general across the US, including those at what used to be enlightened college campuses, or those Netanyahu supporters (diehard Jewish radicals who’d love to create a Muslim holocaust in Palestine)—all these so-called doctors who could affect positive change ignore the existential fight against fascism that goes all the way back to the Roman Empire.
Only a few of us remain who see this big picture: Sixty percent of the world’s countries are no longer democracies; they’re now either already or soon-to-be autocracies suffering from the cancer of fascism. This is the existential problem the US, Europe, and the rest of the free world now faces. Nothing else really matters if the cancer of fascism spreads everywhere.
Is that what you want to occur? Don’t think that the far left will stop that from happening! And you can’t just sit back and drink your beer or sip your cocktails while you watch grass grow (aka baseball or golf or afternoon soap operas). The far left is as dangerous as the far right: Both lean toward fascism. Is Venezuela’s Maduro any different from Turkey’s Erdogan? No! They’re both fascists.
Remember the definition of fascist: As Henry Wallace, Roosevelt’s VP before Truman, said, “A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends.” (Curiously enough, Truman, who only became president because Roosevelt died, hid his and other VIPs’ support of Hitler’s cause—see Rachel Maddow, ibid).
That definition fits the FPA’s wannabe fuehrer, Donald J. Trump, to a T. (FPA = Fascist Party of America, what Eisenhower and Reagan’s party has become.) But if you don’t realize that there are a lot of dolts in America like that, you’re an ignoramus with no observational skills and have no right to complain when the shit hits the fan and the US and the rest of the world becomes completely fascist. Cancer can kill; this fascist cancer afflicting our country and the world can cause a lot of pain and suffering while doing it. You’re ignorant and stupid if you let that happen!