Impending doom for Dems…

Presidents usually can’t affect the economy except when big programs are passed (e.g. FDR’s to combat the Depression). They certainly can’t affect gas prices (they’re up now because the price of crude is up—that’s happened before), or the prices of goods (caused by worldwide events like World War II…or Covid’s effect on supply chains, China’s charging ten times or more for a shipping container, and lack of personnel to unload them, all likely affecting next the next holiday season). While Mr. Biden’s sagging popularity might indicate otherwise, he’s not at fault, yet there’s an impending doom hanging over the next midyear elections.

Presidents can get those big programs passed that will affect the economy in a positive way if Congress cooperates. The present Congress doesn’t. Forget the Good Ole Piranhas who are doing all they can to torpedo the Biden agenda, led by chief sharks McConnell in the Senate and McCarthy in the House (I hate to see two people with Celtic heritage be such fascists, but there you have them). They wouldn’t matter if the there wasn’t a civil war among the Dems with progressives and moderates battling over important legislation. The former are using the physical infrastructure bill as blackmail. It’s already passed by both House and Sente, and it would create many jobs as well as save the nation’s decaying infrastructure. The blackmail is to get the so-called “human infrastructure” bill passed.

While I favor both bills (the second might be better divided up into smaller targeted bills, though), I don’t like that the progressives willingly use blackmail. The physical infrastructure bill should already be law. Progressives can play their reconciliation game with the second, but moderates think it’s too expensive. Moreover, SALT isn’t contained in it, and it should be. Contrary to what that silly little snot AOC says, it’s not a give-away to the rich. She’s out-Trumping Trump with that stupid argument. Get some brains, woman! (By the way, if AOC were a man, I’d say the same thing.)

Dems will reap what they saw when the midterms arrive in 2022. People want Biden’s agenda to become law. People need this help, and the radical left in the party, no matter if their intentions are noble, are going to bring it all down. If Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and the other Dems can’t deliver, they pay a heavy price in 2022…and so will the country. The rictus grin of the fascists will then be laughing at them.