So amusing…but so sad…

The FPA (that’s Fascist Party of America aka Good Ole Piranhas aka Republicans) and their supporters are using some of the same words to describe the Dems that Dems use to describe the FPA: politicos ruining America…Godless devils…evil monsters, etc., etc. The FPA adds socialists and communists to their taunts, and its QAnon wing adds… Continue reading So amusing…but so sad…

Deals with the DINOs…

The DINOs still ruined the effectiveness of the Dems’ multifaceted bill even though it was already whittled down. First, let’s talk about DINO Joe. If you were wondering why Sen. Joe Manchin suddenly changed his mind to support some of the “Build Back Better” agenda, I was too. It turns out the motivation for that… Continue reading Deals with the DINOs…

Impending doom for Dems…

Presidents usually can’t affect the economy except when big programs are passed (e.g. FDR’s to combat the Depression). They certainly can’t affect gas prices (they’re up now because the price of crude is up—that’s happened before), or the prices of goods (caused by worldwide events like World War II…or Covid’s effect on supply chains, China’s… Continue reading Impending doom for Dems…