It’s up to the voters!

How often have we heard that in our lives since we started voting? The polls say some political candidate will win; the opposing candidate says not so fast because “it’s up to the voters.” The polls say proposal X won’t pass here; X’s supporters say, “It’s up to the voters.” We once had a grand tradition in this country of deciding things at the ballot box. Now too many just believe media wonks and the oft-incorrect polls.

Narcissus le Grand didn’t accept what the voters said at the ballot box in 2020, though, and for nefarious reasons. He said then and in 2016 that he could only lose if there was massive fraud. In 2022, he made the same claim when most candidates he supported chrashed and burned, Doctor Oz and Ms. Lake among them. What will this wannabe Il Duce do in 2024?

And let’s suppose he’s legally elected in 2024 just like Joe Biden was in 2020. While that’s difficult to imagine—he’s such a loser!—the electorate has become so violently divided and our electoral system has so many flaws that fascists can exploit, like Trump winning the Electoral College but not the popular vote in 2016 (Biden won both by wide margins in 2020!), that no one knows what 2024 will bring.

And that’s just if the Fascist Party of America aka the GOP follows the rules! In 2024, it’s likely that every fascist leader in the world, including Kim, Putin, and Xi, will instruct their hackers to flood social media with lies. 2016 and 2020 were only the beginnings of that; in 2024, ads and posts created by AI will surely have Biden telling you to vote for Il Duce! Or showing Biden in a wheelchair drooling while you’re admiring Trump the Chump’s butt crack as he plays golf at one of his golf courses. (He’d probably make the US government steal a few more for him.)

And do you think that senile old fat man will ever allow another election to be heled in the US if he can win by hook or crook in 2024? Fascists never do that! They’re leaders for life! Even though, because of the Electoral College, we don’t have a one-man-one-vote system, necessary for calling our country a true democracy, any election is better than none…but you won’t get it beyond 2024 if a pscychotic and sociopathic Trump wins. (And you might get Don Jr. when he dies! The bloated sack is turning senile and is basically the same age as Biden.)

Yes, because Trump is an impotent and senile fascist thug (his confusing Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi and many other wild statenents are proof enough of senility, but his insults aren’t excused by that, and criticizing Nikky Haley’s dress shows he’s just a petty prick!), he’s willing to do almost anything to grab and stay in power, 2024 might in fact be the last American election! (I guess Il Duce could always run sham elections like those in Russia and China and other smaller autocracies like North Korea and Venezuela.)

Not a fascist, you say? Consider this quote from Henry Wallace, Rossevelt’s VP before Truman:

“A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends.” This is eactly why extremists on either end of the political spectrum can become fascists!

And if that doesn’t define Donald J. Trump, I don’t know what does! It’s time to stop joking about Trump and to take him seriously as a clear and present danger to American democracy. That’s not funny at all. When a pervert and vicious imbecile who’s a wannabe dictator desires absolute power and wants to control your life, you shouldn’t be laughing! You should be voting in 2024 as if your life depends on it…because it could!